I think it's the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.- George Carlin
ArtPeace by Rassouli
Make a right-handed fist ... now cup this curled grip with
your left fist and voila!
Gratitude in the palm of your hands.
Both give and receive, our hands serve to support, create,
soothe and administrate Life. Energetically - our left is
Receive and our right, Give. Now that you've got Gratitude
in your grasp, let's expand this Gratitude and connect
with others' hands ...
Open your left hand, palm facing up.
Open your right hand, palm facing down.
Imagine Love and Light flowing through you, in through
the left -out through the right. Lifting your hands to heart
level, feel a shift as you imagine others on each side of you,
hands connected in a growing circle of Gratitude. Allow
this energetic river to pulse, play and wind its way,
encircling the Earth as we all say,
"Thank you for being YOU. In Love and Gratitude, Me."
Go Gratitude!
Just imagine what our world might BE
as we gather in Gratitude for eternity!
With folded hands, Gratitude, Love
~ and in the breath we all share ~
We honor the light that is YOU
in that place within your Heart
at the center of your being
where we are all One
and where the whole of this Universe
of vibratory Creation abides.
~ author unknown
World Gratitude Gathering ~
~ Aligning with the Heart's calling and Embracing the
Great*full*ness of Life! ~
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at World Gratitude? Feel free to join us HERE, or pass this along
to someone (k)new! Come on in ... we're waiting for *YOU*!
World Gratitude Gathering is a project of Go Gratitude - a global
service organization dedicated to empowering Wisdom, One-ness
and a Great-full heart!
Questions, comments, inspired ideas? Contact us here.
Go Gratitude, 16420 s.e. McGillivray # 103-842, Vancouver, Washington 98683-3461, USA
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