Monday, November 30, 2009

World Gratitude - Day 9 - SEE(K) GRATITUDE

Fallacies do not cease to be fallacies because they become fashions.

- G. K. Chesterton



*Eye of God* ~ courtesy NASA

In order to gain a peaceful perspective

of current happynings and present possibilities,

Gracefully guide the Self to a State of Gratitude
by focusing attention on what IS ~
giving thanks for the large and small, the gift of it all

by using this powerfully-simple, ever-so-present tool
for creating NOW as it feels good to YOU.
Remember - See(k) the world through Gratitude
and (k)new views will open for you.

Just for today ...
Look around ~ what (k)new views may be gained
by using Gratitude to transform:
challenge to gift,
chore to chance,
detour and delay to a Divinely timed dance.
Go Gratitude!
Naikan is the art of inner observation, or seeing one's Self

through the inner eye. Enjoy this quick interview with

Gregg Ketch, director of the To Do institute, author and

wild fan of Gratitude!  Click here to GO!


World Gratitude Gathering ~

~ Aligning with the Heart's calling and Embracing the
Great*full*ness of Life! ~

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Did you receive this as a gift?  Are you ready to join the gathering
at World Gratitude?  Feel free to join us HERE, or pass this along

to someone (k)new!   Come on in ... we're waiting for *YOU*!
World Gratitude Gathering is a project of Go Gratitude - a global
service organization dedicated to empowering Wisdom, One-ness
and a Great-full heart!
Questions, comments, inspired ideas? Contact us here.

Go Gratitude, 16420 s.e. McGillivray # 103-842, Vancouver, Washington 98683-3461, USA

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