Monday, November 30, 2009

World Gratitude - Day 11 - ENTOPIC GRATITUDE

The world is full of willing people, some willing to work, the rest willing to let them.

- Robert Frost


Ready to create ecstatic change,
blissfully spinning into a trance-like state?
Simply focus on Gratitude.
You see ...
spirals, circles, dots and grids
are all geometric signals of a happening shift
~ as seen by the minds eye~
entopic forms transporting us beyond the norm
to worlds of wonder, bliss, ecstasy and JOY
all present within YOU
opening through this symbol of Gratitude.

Go Gratitude!
Remember ~
our heavens dance in circles and spirals,
from the smallest atoms to the grandest galaxies.
So it is, too, with you as Gratitude.
"At one time alphabets were based and related to
"shape-forms." Some of the earliest examples of linear
symbols in Europe were found in Magdalenian cave sites
(12,000-17,000 years before the present time).
There is also a skull discovered at Mezhirich in the Ukraine,
painted with tiver (red ochre) that dates from 14,000
years ago. These identifiable symbols are still
recognizable today. They include the runes, the cross,
the swastika and many religious and magical sigils.
Why the need for these symbols? You see, they were
based on the notion of entopic forms. Entopic forms are
those forms seen when the eyes are shut. Theories abound,
but one thing is clear. Neurophysiology has identified
phosphenes, geometric shapes and images
embedded in our subconscious. These are lodged
within our visual cortex and neural system. When
one's consciousness has
been altered, these forms
are produced.
They are universal in nature so it matters
not from what country, educational background or
supposed religious elitism one finds themselves believing
in. These entopic forms used in meditation are for
thing only ... They were used to induce trance
to help us find our way home."

~ source:  sci-forums


World Gratitude Gathering ~

~ Aligning with the Heart's calling and Embracing the
Great*full*ness of Life! ~

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to someone (k)new!   Come on in ... we're waiting for *YOU*!
World Gratitude Gathering is a project of Go Gratitude - a global
service organization dedicated to empowering Wisdom, One-ness
and a Great-full heart!
Questions, comments, inspired ideas? Contact us here.

Go Gratitude, 16420 s.e. McGillivray # 103-842, Vancouver, Washington 98683-3461, USA

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