Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Why No Quality UFO Video?


Joseph Burkes MD 2014

For over 20 years I have witnessed numerous UFOs in the course of fieldwork with contactee networks. Twenty years ago in the fall of 1994 UFO intelligence revealed to me the mechanism by which they create “hologram” like visual displays with anomalous “shooting stars” that were linked to consciousness and appeared repeatedly in the exact same spot at our request.

Each individual sighting of what was thought at first to be just a “meteor” had the exactly the same characteristics as the previous “shooting star.” Not only was their location in the sky identical, but they also had the same brightness, color, duration, angle of descent and length of trail. Amazingly each stereotypic visual display occurred seconds after we made the verbal request for them to appear.If UFO intelligence can create stereotypic illusions of “shooting stars,” then what we call “flying saucers” might also be “holographic” like projections. The significance of this proposition should not be underestimated.

What I suggesting is that the entire belief system based on the ET hypothesis for UFOs is being facilitated by the same mechanism. Some flying saucers rather than being understood as “objects” would be better described as technologically mediated illusions. This explanation is what I call the “Virtual Experience Hypothesis.” (For more details see the November 15th FB posting on the Contact Underground page. It is titled “DOES UFO INTELLIGENCE “HOAX” ENCOUNTERS FOR EXPERIENCERS?”

Despite raising the specter that some sightings of UFOs are illusions, I have no doubt flying saucers can be very physical and likely represent craft manufactured by an advanced non-human technology.

Consider the following

UFOs can be picked up on multiple radar devices while being seen by multiple witnesses.

They can trigger undeniable physical effects such as causing a large aircraft to shake violently when they rapidly pass by at very close range.

Please understand I am not saying that all flying saucers are anomalous visual displays created by UFO intelligence. I am asserting that some are physical objects, presumably “craft” and others, perhaps even most, are illusions. In my experience it is difficult for most observers to tell the difference between the two.

Although some sightings are physical objects, nevertheless the Steven Spielberg “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” types of images are seldom if ever videotaped by UFO witnesses. If such events are recorded, CGI technology for many puts their authenticity into question.

It seems to me that the intelligence responsible for UFOs doesn’t allow quality videos to be obtained except under perhaps the most unusual circumstances. Why is this so?

I worked with Dr Greer’s Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence from 1992 to 1998. For over five years I was the leader of a Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind contact team in Southern California. I also did fieldwork with the Hispanic contactee network called “Rama” in 1995. 2004, 2006 and 2009.

During many of our field investigations we had UFO sightings, but the quality documentation that we wanted to promote our contact work, recruit new activists and effectively silence the self-styled debunkers and media shrills was denied us again and again.


From 1992 to 1994 four major encounters took place involving Dr Greer’s investigative teams. In only one of these events was quality videos obtained. This was in Gulf Breeze Florida in March of 1992 when two independent video photographers filmed three or four saucer shaped UFOs. Regular photographs using film were acquired during that amazing encounter as well. There were over 40 witnesses present.



In July of 1992 a large brilliantly illuminated disc shaped craft approached Dr Greer’s team in the crop circle region of Southern England. It only did so however while a strong rainstorm was taking place that prevented photographic documentation.. This highly significant encounter was showcased on an episode of the Fox TV show “Sightings” that aired in January of 1993. On that episode two of the witnesses present described signaling that occurred between a large disc hovering in a field and Dr Greer’s team. There were three witnesses to this event, but again no video.


In Mexico at the base of Popocatepetl Volcano I was present on Feb 1, 1993 when a large triangular shaped UFO signaled with powerful lights at the CSETI team at it distance of less than three hundred meters. Suddenly all the camera equipment stopped functioning. This included a video camera, a 35 mm SLR camera, and a spring activated “Brownie” inexpensive type of camera. As soon as the UFO departed and disappeared behind the Volcano, all cameras functioned normally. There were five witnesses present but no objective documentation of the event was obtained.



In December of 1994 in Los Mitres Mountains of Northern Mexico a CSETI team witnessed a large saucer sitting on the side of a mountain. It was so close that the witnesses were reportedly able to see humanoid beings move along the outside of the craft. However the encounter was only able to reach this high level of contact after the CSETI leader Dr Greer and his assistant Ms Shari Adamiak agreed not to film the encounter after allegedly receiving telepathic communication from UFO intelligence requesting that no photography should be attempted. There were five witnesses present and no photographic documentation was obtained.

LINK FOR A FULL REPORT BY MS SHARI ADAMIAK…/178-art-close-encounters-of-the-5th-…


This historic record of lost opportunities indicates that the intelligence responsible for the UFO phenomenon does not easily cooperate with investigators to obtain quality objective electronic video and still film documentation during close encounters. In my opinion this is especially vexing considering the presumably cooperative relationship that contact networks have with UFO intelligence. Why is this so?

Decades of speculative deliberation have come up with a number of wild notions. None are very satisfying. Here are a few.


UFO intelligence is following a long-term master plan that carefully modulates the level of contact that is most conducive for achieving their objectives.

If convincing videos were made available with multiple credible witnesses present during the filmings, this might lead to a precipitous realization that mankind is not alone with devastating effects on the belief systems that hold our planet together.

Stock markets could crash.

Fanatical new religions worshiping “space gods” might sprout up everywhere.

Fundamentalists might attack UFO experiencers as being the “Army of Satan. “

Militarists would call for trillions to be spent on space-based weapons to protect us from an “alien invasion” while enriching their corporate patrons.

This is just a short list.


The “ETs” themselves might represent races of beings that as individuals live several hundred years. What seems to us an agonizing delay in getting documentation might be a very short time for them. For all we know “they” the so-called “visitors” have been here for thousands of years watching us and slowly revealing their presence in a gradual fashion.

In conclusion UFO observers, both the first time witness and long term experiencers, whether they be “contactees” or abductees,” are being denied quality video. This is because UFO intelligence has in my opinion deliberately prevents us from doing so, perhaps for some of the reasons discussed above.

This state of affairs in my view is not set in stone. Despite the challenges for both novice UFO witnesses and those who have been singled out for repeated sightings as “experiencers,” efforts to obtain quality video documentations of flying saucers must go on.

The possibility exists that in some time in the not too distant future, UFO Intelligence will ratchet up the level of interactions with humanity. Under improved conditions for communication and contact, they might be willing to grant opportunities for obtaining quality videos of UFOs.


Imagine the following scenario. In an attempt to break the media “UFO truth embargo,” dozens of contact teams plan a world wide interactive event. Of course this can only be attempted with the strong support of flying saucer intelligence. Contact activists send an invitation to the ETs whose appearance is requested at designated fieldwork sites around the globe. Once on location the saucers allow themselves to be filmed and via Internet steaming video the whole world is watching.

“This is Impossible!” one might reasonably say. For now it is “impossible.” But in a decade or perhaps a generation, what seems like a wild scenario could become reality. To get this level of cooperation between UFO intelligence and those contact activists who are engaging the alleged “ETs” there would have to be far more openness and equality in the human/non-human relationship. This is a goal of the international networks of contactees that I have labeled the “Contact Underground.”


My advice to my fellow UFO enthusiasts is that we will just have to be patient. Advances are being made in terms of less expensive quality night vision equipment as well as technology that might allow easier live uplinks to the Internet. This technology could be utilized by UFO Intelligence and contact workers to stage a live “People’s Disclosure “ event.

This is important because the UFO presence, especially if it turns out to be ET in nature, in my opinion threatens “the powers that be.” This includes the military, economic and political establishments of our planet. I believe that their opposition to acknowledging the reality of UFOs makes impossible both any official investigation of the phenomenon or their successfully achieving meaningful communication with UFO intelligence.


In a certain sense it is the responsibility of the people of the planet to develop a sustainable more open relationship with the alleged “ETs.” This will likely be achieved without any authority granting us “permission” to do so. As one who for over twenty years has promoted this campaign of human initiated contact, I believe such a mission is humanity’s birthright. No power on Earth should try to stop us from developing this important relationship.

The post Why No Quality UFO Video? appeared first on UFOlogy PRSS Blog.

SOURCE: Dimensional Bliss - Why No Quality UFO Video?

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