Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Proprioceptive or Simply Preposterous?

ZenGardenProprioceptive or Simply Preposterous?

Kosta asked me to share some insights and perceptions of my engagement with intelligences beyond human. We call them by many names, yet I’m not sure any of them fully embrace or encapsulate their advanced nature. Extraterrestrials, intraterrestrials or ultraterrestrials have been used. Dr. Burkes calls his experiences ‘contact downloads’ and I’m sure they are more than proprioceptive hallucinations.

For me, just after being told I was adopted, the experiences began in my early childhood as an internal voice, a deep male one. Perhaps it was because I had a question of origin. That initial conversation was followed by some guidance through out-of-body-experiences that led up to some monthly ‘views’ of myself getting out of bed, climbing out my window, walking across our neighbor’s backyard to a fence that surrounded a 10-acre cow pasture.

I’d climb the fence and walk out into the field, only to rise up toward an orange cigar-shaped cloud that was perhaps a hundred feet above. My ‘observer’ would unite with my physical body as I entered the cloud and then I’d wake up in bed the next morning, sometimes with a nose bleed, but the feeling I had was that I couldn’t wait to go back. It was amazing and not at all fearful in the slightest.

Years later I was in a bookstore in Muncie, Indiana just before moving to Arizona. A book literally fell off the shelf in front of me, landing cover up on the floor. No one else was around and, of course, I thought it was just a little weird. Nevertheless, I went over and saw the cover, Aliens Among Us by Ruth Montgomery. I picked it up, turned it over and the first paragraph I read (paraphrased) said that the most common contactee experiences in the Midwest during the late 50s and early 60s was the orange cigar-shaped cloud. I had one of those domino moments, where a whole string of things fell into place.

Many other things have happened since then. Probably the most significant is the awareness that no fear is involved in questing after understanding. None of my experiences, even those with very intense energy, have ever felt ominous. In fact, they’ve felt just the opposite. My encounters have all felt like a sense of family, extended as the case may be, yet nevertheless familiar and ultimately soothing. I know that others do not share that sense from their experiences. It is a challenge to be free when you feel like you are not in control of the situation, be it non-linear or non-local events beyond the any previous experiences to date.

What I’ve learned is that, through my own knowing and corroboration from others, we are being asked to step up in our individual awareness, consciousness and understanding. Even Paul Hellyer (retired Canadian Defense Minister) has admitted that there are no malevolent races interacting with us and he was part of the Military Industrial Complex for quite some time. The message we all seem to be getting, in our own ways, is that we need to learn how to get along and clean up our lives and the planet. My favorite version of the ‘New World Order’ we’ve all come to have concerns about is simply ‘Harmony among People and Planet.’

We first must understand we don’t know everything and that some things we think we know may not be quite what we thought. For instance, the recent discover of the ‘God Particle’ or better known as the Higgs-boson was not what the scientist thought as they observed what looked like the decay of a particle to them. Instead, I believe it was a rip in the fabric between dimensions at a sub-atomic level that they witnessed repairing. They proved the reality of MTheory and not Higgs Field Theory, in my humble opinion. Most contactees are quite familiar with the concept of multidimensional awareness and even have an experiential understanding in many cases.

I have a sense that the process of understanding more about our human evolution includes the notion that we are cosmic consciousness condensed into form, becoming aware of the fact as we increase our knowledge both scientifically and spiritually. The two seem to spiral around making sense common in that regard… multiple senses, that is. We’re growing by leaps and bounds as we, as a human race, are being able to explore the nature of our existence without the constraints of belief systems. The internet is making this possible. We can research and explore revelations that bring a sense of resonance in the search for ‘truth’ inasmuch as we can relate to it from our limited perspectives. Some things just make sense, implying that there is much more to know and understand as our experience grows.

So, what does this all mean? Are we facing our future with faith or fear? The messages we get, from across the spectrum of channelings, direct ET contact, telepathic transmissions and even crop circles tend to reveal the great potential we have in restoring natural order to our lives and the planet. There is a consciousness beyond common, if you will, that has been written about for millennia by some. Perhaps it is this consciousness, an awareness that there is truly nothing to fear from outside or off-planet, which will continue to assist each of us in our growth toward freedom and open contact with our star families.

I’ve been ‘told’ that this new world order, the one of harmony among people and planet, will happen in my lifetime. Well, I’m 57 now. I was told that when I was 18. I’ve noticed a tremendous growth in awareness leading up to the Winter Solstice of 2012. Now we need to implement that awareness back into the existing systems on Earth, using the skillsets we’ve been given and/or acquired through our personal and professional endeavors. I’m doing it in practically every aspect of my life through authoring books, building websites, facilitating groups, in my transformational life coaching and business consulting. Maybe you don’t have all that going on, yet you can be at peace in your current daily life and look for ways to connect with the greater intelligence. Trust me; ‘they’ want to communicate. We need to learn to listen within. That’s where the communication takes place, especially when we’re quiet.

My advice, if I can offer any at all, is to believe there is a beneficial force that flows through everything – including the engagement of off-planet intelligence as well as the person right next to you. The core of my experience has been and will continue to be Faith, Love and Trust. I know that may be a stretch for some. I can only encourage that you make that stretch and ask for help whenever you feel challenged. That help may come from a ‘contact download’ or sighting or simply a kind word from another. Just be open. Thanks for lending me your eyes. Seek truth – it’s neither proprioceptive nor preposterous. Namaste…


Zen Benefiel, MA, MBA, is an author, coach and facilitator who uses the title ‘Possibilities Coagulator’ for his business endeavors with Be The Dream LLC, a coaching and consulting company he founded in 1988. His professional career includes aerospace production control; secondary and post-secondary education, special event coordination/logistics; building, road and bridge construction partnering workshops and television production. He curates and manages the digital realms for PRO – President’s Resource Organization as well as his own multiple websites with showcasing his work. Click here for Zen’s Media Kit

The post Proprioceptive or Simply Preposterous? appeared first on UFOlogy PRSS Blog.

SOURCE: Dimensional Bliss - Proprioceptive or Simply Preposterous?

#abductees-and-contactees, #Contactee, #ET-Communication, #ET-questions, #extraterrestrial-contact, #extraterrestrial-messengers, #Fringe-Science, #ufo-contactees, #UFO-Journalists, #UFO-Videos

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