Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Your Future, Your Choice!


Ker-On | 04 September 06

Dear Ones, as you perceive your world at present, there is so much turmoil taking place. Yet out of all that is happening there is a new Earth emerging. From it you will see that the necessary changes are beginning to occur that will yet lead you to happier times, and outline the path to Ascension. This current period is rather lengthy, because those that oppose changes are allowed to resist them. There is no forcing the issue, and your freedom of choice is still paramount whether you are of the dark or Light.

Eventually, indeed sooner rather than later, you will all have to make a firm choice as to where your future lies. Those who have already chosen to ascend have the inner knowing that they are ready to travel that path. The uncertainty lies mainly with those who are still very much tied to the physical dimension. In course of time they will helped to understand what is happening to Humanity, and also the Earth. However, it is most likely they will desire to continue their experiences in the 3rd dimension, as it is one in which they fee more comfortable.

The choice of which pathway you choose is prompted by your Higher Self, as there is simply no gain in attempting to move beyond the level for which you are best suited. There is no urgency in hurrying your experiences that are intended to carry you forward in your evolution. There is also no judgement involved as to the amount of time you have taken, as you have all infinity in which to evolve.

The speeding up of time means that it is important that those who now choose Ascension, apply themselves to the task of preparing their physical bodies for a move into the higher dimensions. There are many things you can do to make it easier, and the principle one is it’s cleansing. You are subjected to pollution from many outside sources, but the choice of food is down to you. Keep it pure and fresh as far as possible, and eat organic fruit and vegetables. The bonus is that you will enjoy better health than you would have otherwise had. There is also pollution of another kind that arises from the amount of negativity that is surrounding the Earth. This you can stave off by mentally keeping a tight control over your aura. Clean thoughts and living will also help you to avoid attracting negative energies to yourselves.

Much is now happening on several levels at once, and it is being co-ordinated by many great Beings. Earth apart; just imagine the activity and planning that is needed to prepare the whole Universe for Ascension. Everything is on the move, and this time it is so important that nothing is left to chance. The Creator has spoken and commanded that this cycle be concluded, and legions of Angelic and other High Beings are involved in the great upliftment. The activities of the dark may temporarily thwart attempts to take away their power, but it can have no effect at all on the overall plan.

Understand that you the Lightworkers are essential in helping to bring about the changes. You are channels for Light and it is through you that the energies are beamed onto Earth, and you do not necessarily have any awareness of doing so. You are instrumental in helping to lift up the Earth, and all life forms upon it. This will lead you to see that there must come a time, when everything of a lower vibration must leave for another destination. The details will be explained in all good time, but know that all actions are conducted with every care and loving consideration.

In some ways there is not much difference in your experiences now as to any time in your past. However, it is reaching a crescendo because it is the final cleansing and clearance of considerable Karma, which has accumulated over eons of time. Understandably, you are anxious to see this period end quickly, but if you are to take responsibility for your past thoughts and deeds there are no shortcuts. Your evolution comes from experiencing your own creations, and this has been the whole purpose of your time in duality.

For many of you who have lived through the best part of the last hundred years it has been a trying time. You have battled your way through a myriad of challenges, and now there are many who are experiencing a mental tiredness at a time when you need to be at your best. One more concentrated and sustained effort to ride out the storm will see you safely home. Home is where you are destined to be before very long, and for many it is in the higher dimensions.

Duality will soon become nothing more than a bad dream that will eventually go away. Even now it cannot impact on you in any way at all unless you allow it to do so. See it this way, that if you are not intended to be drawn into the activities of the dark, you can be in your own space and never be effected. If you are it is certainly for Karmic reasons, but this does not always imply that you have attracted it as a result of negative actions. Some of you have come to Earth at this time of great importance, to use your skills and experience to work for the Light and salvation of others. It is by way of service in God’s name, and you are highly blessed for doing so.

These are dramatic times when the dark would appear to have the upper hand. However this is only the outward appearance, and not only is their power dwindling but also their support. Even their staunchest allies are questioning the onward rush into abyss. At heart all of you seek a life of ease and plenty, but the problem is that when greed and corruption takes over it is at the expense of others. Without experiencing it yourself, you can see what happens when selfishness causes people to become self-centered. This is part of life in many of its rich presentations that you have all helped to create.

If you desire it and are ready to step onto the path that will lead you out of duality, do not worry if you feel unprepared. Once the dark have had their power removed events will advance extremely quickly, and guidance will be given to those who have aspirations to rise higher. The Earth will become a changed place where fear and insecurity will be overcome. There will be a wonderful swelling up of consideration and concern for others, and so much good work will be carried out. Man is naturally a most benign species, and it is not your natural way to be in a perpetual state of war. Peace is your forte and you will be given absolute freedom to express yourselves, and a great change will take place all over the Earth. There will be freshness in the air upon Earth in more ways than one.

Speaking on behalf of the Galactic Federation, we will instigate changes and you will be invited to participate, as we know you have so much expertise to offer in a multitude of different ways. New technologies will be introduced that you will soon learn to operate, and many of you will accompany us upon our ships. You will meet many different types of ET’s, all members of our Federation and committed to peaceful pursuits. When you know that there are caring people around you, it will be much easier to find the needed energy and enthusiasm.

Great times are just around the corner, and we will not let you down. Life can be fun and very rewarding, and we shall delight in sharing the future with you all. With so much ahead of you, start to live your life with the new energies of Light. Think of what you have been promised, and most importantly about Ascension that will release you from the wheel of rebirth. Your trials and tribulations will soon be over, be happy and start rejoicing now.

Thank you Ker-On

~ Mike Quinsey.


Discover New Music!

I'm Listening to Strawberry Fields by Subsky on the album Global Underground: Reykjavik Disc 2!


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