Monday, September 04, 2006

Perilous Mayhem!

Invisible Peril

St. Germain | 01 September 06

Matters still remain very perilous as the last cabal see the final chance to continue their mayhem. They do not realise that their continual threats against the Iran alliance, is highlighting the very action that horrifies the majority of people. A sudden turn of events can take them by surprise, but the specter of enlarging the Middle East confrontation has been hanging over those countries for quite a long time. It has been continually placed in the front line of the news, and the prospect of a total war has been found most chilling.

However the continual banging of the war drums, is alerting more people than ever to the disastrous effect this would have on the whole world. Consequently, there is a rebellion gaining pace that is seeing masses of people coming out and protesting against the U.S. Government policies. . There was a time when governments would hardly be challenged on them at all, and you believed that your representatives would work in your best interests. Now a different mindset is growing that no longer sees war as an answer to problems, and seeks a peaceful way to achieve satisfactory results.

The mood of the people has dramatically changed, and it is empowering others who now join the protesters who are against war. Other countries are also expressing concern and the new way of thinking is gathering vast support. Changes are born out of such situations, and it is a sure sign that matters cannot continue in their present way for much longer. You the people are once again demonstrating how powerful you can be, when you find a common purpose to ignite your cause. The energies for change are going to bring the last cabal down, and you will take much credit for the results.

Some of you wonder whether your prayers and pleas are really heard as you seek a quicker response. Be patient, and the sure signs of your coming success will be clearly apparent to you. Even although many cannot see who is coming forward to champion their cause, people know that unless the mad rush to war is halted the whole world could become polarized. The last development you want is two powerful groups in a face off. The dark of course do not care, and this is what is worrying for decent people who simply want to live their lives in peace and security.

Something must give before long and you are pushing towards the changes, that will for once and for all lead mankind out of the chaos and uncertainty that has been created by the dark forces. This is something of a David and Goliath scenario, but without weapons you are a formidable force that has untold power. As unpleasant as you have found the last few years, they have been instrumental in causing much thought to be given as to the type of world you want to live in and leave for future generations. Young people with their future ahead of them feel the lack of consideration very deeply, and as a result they become morose and reject their peers.

Everything is pointing to the need for matters to be taken in hand by those who have a different agenda, and one that actively addresses the problems that are pulling countries into a contrived war. The movement you have started to direct Humanity into a different direction is one that has our support, and we are quietly assisting those individuals who have stepped forward to lead it onwards. In the meantime, the higher energies continue to stream to Earth and these are also hastening the changes. This month is one that could yet see wonderful developments that will signal the start of a new beginning, one that will fulfill the dreams and desires of peaceful loving people.

The outer events on Earth are so demanding of your attention that you can easily forget to look after self. Step back occasionally and take the time to bring your energies into balance, as your wellbeing is an important factor at this time. You need to keep alert and aware, but not immersed in the matters that take your attention. Your greatest service to everyone else at this time, still revolves around your ability to keep calm and send out healing energies to wherever you see the need. The power of love is immense, and can touch the hearts of those who have shrouded their Light with darkness.

The higher forces are playing their part by backing up your actions, and they look to ensure that you achieve a steady progress. The plan to move you fully into the Light progresses perfectly, and at the level it works from it is not bound by time as you understand it. In the Now, you have already succeeded in overcoming the dark, and it only remains for it to be manifested upon Earth.

Many aspects of the changes are well under way, and they are gradually drawing together which will give impetus to the final chapter of your experiences in duality. What are seemingly unconnected events, will prove to be part of an intricate plan to release you from the dark for all time. Your expanding consciousness is one such important factor, as the more you become enlightened the easier you will comprehend what is happening. It also means that you can participate with full knowledge of what is required of you, both from a physical and spiritual point of view.

You are in a most wonderful period of change that offers unlimited opportunities to serve the Light. You are feeling the new energies coming in, and they are wonderfully vibrant and uplifting. If you feel Light-headed this is a sign of the changes occurring within you, and they will bring an inner peace and calmness. In the midst of the physical changes, it is easy to forget that they are taking place on many levels at the same time. The whole Earth is in a state of change and you will witness those of a physical nature. They can be viewed with wonder and awe when you understand their magnificence.

I am St. Germain and feel the upsurge in the positive energies permeating your Earth. Everything is progressing most satisfactorily, and the outer happenings should not mislead you into thinking otherwise. The worries you have are real enough, but know that you do not face them alone. The legions of Heavenly forces do oversee your lives, and victory for the Light is absolutely assured. You are loved and cherished beyond measure.

Thank you St. Germain.

~Mike Quinsey.


Discover New Music!

I'm Listening to The Push by Paul Jackson on the album The Therapy Sessions Disc 1!


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