Wednesday, March 25, 2015

YESHUA: Instruction on Healing

Christ photo by David Hinchen, Lamb Window, First Presbyterian Church of Albany

Photo by David Hinchen

Received by Mercedes Kirkel

On February 5, 2015


Yeshua: What I wish to bring forth is very simple, perhaps not easy, but nonetheless simple. It is about healing.


There is really only ever one healing, which is the healing of separation from God. All other healing is a variation upon that, a certain frequency within that, which an individual may be more open to receiving in a particular moment.


Ultimately, it does not matter if someone is healed physically or not. Certainly we care about others. Certainly our heart wishes others to be in their wellness, in their wholeness. Yet there are times, quite a few times, when it is pain that draws someone to God.


So the healing is never about relieving pain or suffering. The healing is about relieving separation from God.


You cannot necessarily tell this to people, unless they are ready to hear it, because they won’t understand. You may choose to offer healing of pain or suffering, and that may support someone in their path of coming closer to God.


But ultimately, it is not your job to relieve anyone of pain. Your job is to fulfill your path of offering your gifts and service—to God and to the world—in the way that is most right for you. Then let go of the results because the results are divinely orchestrated. You are playing your part in this divine orchestra.


This is what I wish to offer. Are there any questions you wish to ask?


Question: In my particular case, is doing healing work one of the possible things that helps me to fully express my soul?


Yeshua: You will always know what helps you to express your soul because the things your soul is choosing for its expression are the things that connect you to God. So this is the measure you can use to determine if something is your path.


Ultimately, you do healing for yourself, because it is your path to do so and by following your path you are connecting to God. It is your connection to God that serves others, more than anything you do to alter their circumstance. Your connection to God helps them most directly to connect to God.


If healing is the pathway through which you can offer that, then that is your path. If chewing bubble gum is the pathway through which you can offer that, that is your path. It does not matter.


Questioner: I also feel close to God through gardening.


Yeshua: Yes. And there are all sorts of ways that you bless the Earth and all the people on the Earth through every touch of the Earth.


There are infinite ways to serve. It is all about your connection to God and what lights you up, what brings your joy, what brings you passion—which is simply the energy of God filling you.


Questioner: (crying) That’s what I miss the most about my daughter [who died]. I felt like the love of God would shine through her eyes. Almost immediately after she died, I realized I’m left here on Earth to create that, without having it be for her.


Yeshua: Yes, you are understanding perfectly.


Questioner: The beauty that I saw in her was just God’s love shining through.


Yeshua: Absolutely. That is all there is. That is all this realm consists of. Any being stays in this realm until they realize that and become God’s light themselves. Then they are ready to leave and continue in another realm.


Questioner: My mother, in her dementia, has been screaming out that she was abused when she was younger. The doctors are wondering if this really happened, but I have no proof. Can you tell me if this actually happened?


Yeshua: You are not understanding what’s happening correctly.


The mind is a filter. The mind filters out the vast amount of information contained in your whole universe, which is the kind of information that exists in the Akashic Record—the information of everything. This would totally overwhelm beings and they would be nonfunctional if they received all this information. So the mind filters this out.


When someone has dementia, they are losing their filter. So your mother is opening up to massive amounts of information that may be hers and may be others’.


Ultimately, it does not matter if this happened to her or did not happen to her, if it happened to her in this lifetime or if it happened to her in another lifetime. It does not matter. It is her reality now. She is experiencing this now. So you should relate to her as though this is what’s happening now. Give her the exact response you would give her if this were definitely the truth and her real situation—because it is, for her.


She may very well need healing. I would say she definitely needs compassion and a safe space to express her pain. Support her in expressing her pain and allow her to do so. Let her know, “Yes, yes, I hear how much pain you’re in, how painful and awful that must have been. Is there more you want to share?” Let her share. And help her, just as you would if this had happened recently.


I offer you my deepest, fullest blessings.


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Mercedes Kirkel is a #1 best-selling and multi-award-winning author, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her first book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s latest book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.

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Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including guidance from Mary Magdalene and other beings of light, Akashic healing and soul-path guidance, Heart-Source life-and-relationships coaching, Light-Filled Intimacy™ instruction, and spiritual mentoring. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to

SOURCE: Dimensional Bliss - YESHUA: Instruction on Healing

#Inspirational, #Mercedes-Kirkel

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