Wednesday, April 21, 2010




Everything you can imagine is real.
~ Pablo Picasso


The Distance Healing Project had such amazing turn out and response to our last Free event, that DH, the Whimsical Mystic, has been guided to make the healing event bigger, better, easier than ever to join in – and we have not even raised the price – it is still FREE!

April Free Healing Events continue

Join in at any time during the month-no need to be here at the beginning
Your actual presence or attention not required at all unless you choose so. You will still benefit – REALLY 1


Invite Your Friends - Heal The World

Starting March 31, (Wed), Ending May 2, (Sunday) at 9 pm PDT


Scheduled Healing sessions:

Thursdays: April 1, 8, , 22, 29: 6:30 to 8:30 PM PDT
Sundays: April 4, 11, 18, 25, & May 2: 11:30 to 1 PM & 6:30 to 8 PM PDT
WorldClock to figure out other timezones

Important Notice! Urgent! Please RSVP here on this event page, then join our fan page (link below) to be notified of future events. If you only RSVP to an event, we have no way of finding you again to let you know of other Free events even if we pay for an ad.

Healer bio, More detailed event instructions, and hundreds of testimonials (Doctors, Authors, Celebs, mystics, every day people) at blog.


FaceBook Fan Page:



Unscheduled healings sessions:   Nearly everyday: activations, empowerments, attunements, restorations, balancing, At-Onements, Initiations for continuous support for your healing and expansion.

The Distance Healing Project is hoping this split session offering will allow others from around the world to join in live if they so desire. However, significant benefit is received even while working, shopping, etc. so we find that sleeping through these sessions is a great way to be receptive to the healing frequencies. We simply make scheduled sessions an option to attend for those whose desire it. DH sends out up to 2 daily activations so healing energies will be available as soon as you sign up.

No need to wait to start at the beginning of the next cycle. Your healings and activations begin as soon as you join (or even intend to join in – not everyone is on FaceBook)

What is the catch? Well, besides uplifting humanity on a scale that even we can not imagine, we hope to interest enough recipients to more fully participate with our healing research project. In order to do credible large scale research into the phenomenon of healing, The Distance Healing Project needs a large study group to respond to surveys, etc. With such a large base, we are likely to have thousands, if not tens of thousands of responses to each survey. Think how the insights from this study will revolutionize our perceptions of healing and reality.

Of course, we would never make you do anything. We just really want you in on the LOVE. After all, Love requires nothing except an audience to fully render its effects. We just invite your fuller participation when it suits you. You never actually have to fill out a single survey and are free simply to include yourself with any or every session with a simple desire. You may join in on scheduled sessions 1 to 3 times a week if that resonates or simply go about your regular daily business and still receive beneficial results. We usually send out daily healing and activation energies so there will be non-stop help available and many will feel effects as soon as they sign up.

For now, all sessions are currently conducted by an extra-ordinary healer who seeks no money or even name recognition. He is known by the initials DH or as the whimsical Mystic. He thinks most people in this line of work are just too Serious (or from Sirius) and thinks that we should all just Enlighten up a bit and enjoy the cosmic ride.
The Free Distance Healing Project is Free and obviously Non-Profit (All eventual profits from donations and subscription services will be used for various charity and research efforts).

. DH has been profoundly blessed since adolescence with this gift of grace and he is divinely guided to share with the world without regard of another’s ability to pay.

Please Pay this message forward :), the more people participate the more the energies amplify. This is a for REAL offering with a REAL Healer with consistent life long results. Our healer believes in God, but is perfectly ok that you do not. Most participants benefit regardless of background or belief system in ways that are simply impossible to enumerate.

You have nothing to lose and nothing to FEAR, this work is all LIGHT and LOVE.


    Help Your Friends With These Simple Few Steps    

 All you have to do is this:

► 1 Join as a fan.

► 2 Click on "Invite People to Join" button in the right menu.

► 3 Select all of your friends.

► 4 Click on the "Send invitation" button and you're done!

►4 straight weeks of Free Spiritual and physical Healing

►Heal yourself, family, pets. Activate your own self-healing power and awaken your consciousness to new levels

► help bring healing to the world – we want 100,000 people.

►Lets change the world

►Nothing to buy – EVER ! This is REAL healing from a REAL Master Healer who has decades of service and who has already helped tens of thousands of people.

► At some point in the future the Whimsical mystic will share some profound secrets of healing-both technique and non-technique. DH believes that direct experience does far more than words or teaching techniques to shift consciousness. Healings are simply a way to demonstrate such effects in a meaningful way. So, DH feels it is ineffective to simply pour out more knowledge upon people with out providing “frequency” upgrades. The frequency upgrades are more important than the information. People need clearing, and activations to handle the higher frequencies. Our minds, body, psyche, emotions, spirit, all benefit from a cleansing and restoration. Even Jesus was baptized to awaken his spiritual gifts more fully before he launched into his mission. Clearly, his baptism was not an activation to be gotten by reading a book. Have these energies activated, reinforced, awakened in your own being. Grace is free, its true cost is reflected more by what you are willing to give up (fear, hate, anger, greed, etc) than by what you appear to be willing to give.



Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field




Dimensional Bliss Light Grid




Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it.

- Andre Gide

SUGGESTED READINGS (ADVERTISMENT)Healing Plants and Animals from a Distance: Curative Principles and Applications

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