Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The 11:11 Gateways

“So this is how liberty dies. With thunderous applause” - George Lucas

by: Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

When the forces of Eleven become fully activated they have the power to change history in the making. Within the number and sequences of Eleven (29, 47, 38, 56, 74, 92, 83, 65) lives all answers and even more questions. Eleven teaches us every problem comes as a divine opportunity to learn. It shows us how to see beyond what is everyday and boring. It try's and tests our faith and our belief system and our faith. It forces us to listen to that small still quiet voice within the silent witness. It reminds us we are all vast beings who have come to earth to help with the healing and awakening process starting with ourselves. It asks you to locate the light within and share it with all. Eleven is our Best Friend and Teacher.

Within the vibration and sequence of the number eleven and the 11:11 Gateway lives a de-light-full smorgasbord of experiences. Each experience is designed to offer food for thought through a maze of learning. Tasting new energies seems wonderful to those that seek the thrill ride of enlightenment. Tools for transformation are not always what they seem as one stumbles through the lightless Light to find a friendly shade of gray. 11:11 in all of its glory is an Initiation beyond what can be seen and felt.

It demands 100% of your attention as it makes its way through your veins and life. Within it lives bio-chemical encodings that house a dormant DNA configuration that awakens. All gates of 11:11 depart at the same time sequence since linear time is neither here nor there. Even though certain aspects of the 11:11 encodings place themselves at the top of the super luminary chain of events, all layers of the 11 are seen and felt through time sequences of earthly incarnations.



Watching of ones words is animated within the structure of 29/11. The power within the word and how one chooses to use it. Speaking problems and solutions in and out of existence. Balancing positive thought creation with doubt and confusion. Wanting to finish but sometimes afraid to start. The lungs the heart and the throat hold the vibrations of 29/11 stresses and strains in manifestation or creation is seen in these areas. The volcano holds its tongue until it is ready to let go in fullness. Learning to hold ones power via the spoken word until it is ready to birth at a higher vibration. Using your heart and head as the Creator would. Knowing ALL THOUGHTS COUNT! Believing absolutely in your ability to create. Divine certainty on a DNA level.


Earth is a planetary home for a group of entities that are destined for greatness beyond their awareness. The announcement of 92/11 asks one to embrace the thought of GREATNESS, without anything attached to it. God is seen face to face in the reflection of ones deeds and thoughts. This sacred encoding asks what God do you worship and do you believe there is more light beyond the level of God that you are aligned with at this time?? Light was birthed to become more. Seeking more Light, more God, more truth beyond the highest thought of God and Light you can have. Standing at the threshold of immediate change and shift in alliance with every expanded thought.


The holiness within the trinity (3) moves into the never-ending creation of infinity. Going beyond space and time as a defining area. The field of possibility expands into places and planes yet to be seen by the eye in the sky. The votes are in and counted. Who believes and who has replaced belief with a cloudy vision on a sunny day? Who still clings to the blood sweat and tears tale of human toil and trouble? The scales of light tip as the populace believes and un-believes shifting outcomes over and over again. 38/11 demands a higher potential and unlimited possibly be reached. It demands that the higher power that guides humanity be revealed and come out from behind the curtain of time. Creation demands acknowledgement everyday until it becomes fully materialized. Gateways of the past and future are accessed within the hidden sequence of proof positive.


The DNA spiral grows restless and seeks a doorway of expansion through the sacred encoding of 83/11. Redefining and regenerating the living light is demanded of this sequence. Renewal on all levels of being and living. Releasing the fear of any outcome on any level. Being comfortable in your creations. Entering the library of all thoughts that are affecting the biological and bio-luminary aspect of humanness. Purifying through love and wisdom changing the consciousness of the cell structure. Pointing them towards actively pursuing a higher knowledge beyond earth based awareness. New information is then bio-chemically realized which changes the blood template. Oneness is achieved bio-electrically allowing active awareness to be issued to all inner and outer dialogue and thoughts. Thus changing the en-titled tables past seasons and logic.


This sacred vibration teaches one to believe in what cannot be seen, but only known. 47/11 comes through the heart not allowing anything to sway it from the destined path of enlightenment. The four representing all that is of earth and material, dances and tries to seduce the seven out of his holy place. Material beckons and calls to all that is holy. Only by acknowledging the God within all things will we make it through this teaching vibration. What calls is only fleeting and not worth losing the holiness one has accrued. Discipline is needed to keep peace of mind and keep one from drowning within circumstance. When Divinity dons her full costume of light one realizes there are no needs... for all needs are fluid and able to fulfill themselves. Pass thru this gate with a deep knowing.


Standing at the narrow threshold of transformation heavenly (#7) searches for what is earthy (#4). Time for the Light to get off of its high horse and come on down to earth. Observation is needed to be felt as the Light looks at life and all of its teachings and learning. Enjoy earth and her heavenly Essence without succumbing to any entrapment escapades. Knowing one is of a higher sharper cut and experience life without losing your edge of light. Negativity grows fast on earth, fed by the systemic seeds of doubt that linger in a humans genetic DNA. Hope can become an endangered species if not cared for. If you had one month to light the fires of your life how would you use it?? How are you spending your life light?? Hope needs the fertilization of your believe system to survive the seasons of earth.


Humanity seeks the keys to total completed awareness through this sacred portal number. Hallways are exposed to all that are dimensionally astute. Scales shift into a new definition of balance as the new formation of light plays with the balance of sacred time. Experiences quicken as the incarnational day shortens. Several lives are experienced within one, shortening the need for reincarnation on earth. Christ hood is sought on a planet that has never allowed themselves to experience that. Needs are met vibrationally before the matter can rise to a new day. Global awareness shifts with this sacred configuration.


Within this gate way the heart dances with the mind and thought double dates with emotion. Love integrates with so called reason and a balance is attained. One awakens divine sensitivity interacting with the vibrational encodings of heart that lives within each person and situation. Looking fore the reason by way of alignment with love instead of just using logic and judgement. Time for the soul and Oversoul to commit to each other as all levels of self and soul give each other a hand. Seeing divine guidance from the inner resources within ones own light awakens a connection that cannot be plugged in any other way. Uniting the head and heart as they walk through all levels of light and wisdom and life.

1 comment:

Branden said...

I have seen the number 47 constantly for the last 3 months as well as 11:11, its way beyond coincidence and i am now on my path to enlightenment, if anyone has any other information involving 47 and 11:11 please let me know, i have not found much on 47/11:11 and this really helps, thank you.