Friday, October 10, 2008



The great tragedy of Science - the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact. - Thomas H. Huxley

Multidimensional News OCTOBER 2008

Many of the members of the ground crew have come from different Home worlds (stars/planets of origin) to take an earth vessel in order to assist in this great cosmic moment of planetary ascension. Our Corridor provides a homing beam by which each member can re-connect with his or her multidimensional SELF. The Arcturian Corridor serves as a star gate, a distribution station, or control tower, such as you have in your airports. We are the hubs, the way station for all inter-dimensional explorers. All inter-dimensional voyagers travel through our vortex/corridor. The, they either stay here or move on to whichever star system is their final destination.

We the Arcturians wish to remind you that it is the clearing of your conscious and unconscious beliefs in limitation and separation that allows you to enter our Corridor and journey from the third dimension, through the fourth and fifth dimensions and into the sixth and seventh dimensions.

Each time you enter our Corridor, whether your experience is conscious or unconscious, offers you a greater recognition, understanding, and integration of your true, multidimensional SELF. We, your Arcturian family, welcome your return HOME to the higher worlds, although in reality, you have never left, as your earth vessel is but a small portion of your great Multidimensional Being.

Since the re-calibration of the Corridor in 2002, more higher frequency light has been radiating onto your planet. This higher light has illuminated, and shall continue to illuminate, the hidden darkness within the core of your third dimensional reality. When the non-polarized, higher frequency light of the fifth dimension and beyond travels through our Corridor, it amplifies the space “in-between” the lightest light and the darkest dark. Once this “in-between” is illuminated, the trail between the light and dark is revealed, and the connection between the two extremes is made. In other words, the higher dimensional light beaming onto your third dimensional polarities will reveal that there is actually NO separation between them. This revelation will work to short-circuit the third dimensional matrix.

If you believe that you live only in the darkness, you are under the illusion that you are limited in your ability to expand the light. On the other hand, if you believe that you live only in the light, you are limited in your ability to ground your light to illuminate and heal your inner darkness. Our barrage of higher dimensional, non-polarized light will serve to expose all illusion of polarity and separation. Without the separation, there is ONLY Unity.

All polarized thinking, such as good vs.. bad, right vs.. wrong, rich vs.. poor, is neutralized once this path in-between is revealed. The good will then realize that they are also bad, the right will realize that they are also wrong and the rich will realize that they are also poor, as well as the other way around. With the end of polarization, the concept of separation becomes extinct. All opposites, or edges of a spectrum of experience, will be united by the in-between so that you may realize that you are both of the opposites, as well as the entire spectrum.

Enjoy the release of your old beliefs in limitation, for if you experience being poor or wrong or bad, you can easily choose the experience of being rich or right or good. However, you must believe that you have that kind of power to release your belief in limitation, or you will not have it. Your thoughts, whether conscious or unconscious create your beliefs, and your beliefs create your reality.

With the end of the illusion of separation, your feelings of separation from your true, higher dimensional Light body will also be gone, and you will recognize that your Light body is an extension of your physical body, just as your fingers are an extension of your hand. The concepts of separation and limitation are only tricks, magical illusions, created by all of you so that you can play "The 3D Game of Separation and Illusion.”

Just as you have felt separated from your Higher SELF, you have also felt separated from your myriad third dimensional, alternate and parallel realities that are scattered throughout the space/time continuum of your planet. It may appear that each of these realities is alone and separate from the others. However, any illumination gained in any life will contribute to your Soul’s clarification.

These many realities are like a huge ball of knotted yarn, and your Soul is the thread that ties these knots together. Each life is a different knot in the yarn that causes the flow of the Soul’s essential truth to be “tied up” in a third dimensional illusion. Each “knot” in the flow is another marker on the 3D game board.

At first there are many knots, and you struggle to use the yarn for your spiritual creativity, but it is too tangled and restrained. However, as each knot is untangled, another reality in the 3D game is cleared of limitations and separations, and the Soul’s flow is less inhibited. Then, the more spiritual/creative force can move freely through the remaining 3D realities. Gradually, more and more of the players in your game are freed of third dimensional illusion.

We send our message to your Soul, so that it can disperse our illumination into each and every aspect of you in the manner in which each Self can accept it. As your planet raises more and more into the fourth and fifth dimension, you shall all become consciously aware of your other realities. Then you can take full advantage of any failures or victories that each of your players are living within the ever present now. In this manner, the wisdom of many lives can accrue to the one Core Life into which all your other alternate and parallel realities will download into at the end game of personal and planetary ascension.

To make things even more confusing to your polarity-bound 3D-brain, each of your many incarnations also has myriad parallel realities. A parallel reality is a parallel life that shoots off into a slightly different frequency of your initial reality whenever there is a moment of great decision. In this manner, your Soul can explore every decision and action within the “game” of each third dimensional life. To make life easier for your third dimensional consciousness, you usually choose to be unconscious of your parallel realities. However, you may often dream of them or find them in your imagination. Therefore, we remind you that your dreams and imagination are often the means through which you can communicate with your multidimensional Soul/SELF.

Your journey through our Corridor will assist you in your process of releasing the illusion of the polarities. It is vital that you release your attachment to polarities, for it is these polarities that create a reality based on the illusion of separation and limitation. At first, when you enter the fourth dimension, your hidden inner darkness will be brought into the light of your awareness. As you enter the fifth dimension, you will find the balance of light and dark. Then, in the sixth dimension, you will merge the light and dark by re-writing your third/fourth dimensional hologram. In the seventh dimension you will meet your Over soul and members of your great soul family. By traveling through our Corridor, you will renew your awareness of your multidimensional nature all the way up to the seventh dimension.

With the recognition and acceptance of the greatness of your true Being, your third dimensional illusions, and the fears these illusions create, will be seen from a multidimensional perspective. From this vantage point, polarities that once were the cause of separations from SELF and limitations in your life, become spectrums of reality in which the in-between can be easily viewed. Once the edges of emotion/consciousness are located, you can find the in-between, the middle, the fulcrum point, where compassion is born and true freedom resides.

Are you ready now to enter the Arcturian Corridor? Remember dear ones, every journey begins with a single step and proceeds one-step-at-a-time.

We are,

The Arcturians


Entering the Arcturian Corridor


Because you have been integrating your Multidimensional SELF into your earth vessel, which has greatly expanded your consciousness, you now have the ability to expand your reality beyond the confines of your daily life. Furthermore, you feel safe enough within yourself that you are able to heal and release the injured children, teens, and young adults within your conscious and unconscious psyche.

In fact, these selves within your self are lined up within you in front of the vortex of our Corridor. See them now. They are ready to step into the vortex; they are ready to go Home, back to their SELF.

See the vortex of our Corridor before you. At first, it is far away. Then, gradually, it moves closer and closer until, at last, the vortex is directly in front of you and directly in front of the line of your former selves who are ready to be released into its transmuting power.

The vortex is growing now. What was once a small swirling force the size of your hand is expanding. As it becomes larger, it also becomes stronger. The colors become brighter and change in hue.

The deep red changes into a magenta

The orange and yellow merge into a glowing tangerine

The green transforms into a dark turquoise which then swirls into silver tinged aquamarine

This aquamarine then twists into a deep blue transforming it into a violet blue that shimmers as it moves faster and faster

Then, the center of the vortex bursts forth in a flood of white light, which is instantly filled with the glimmer of gold and silver starlight

Simultaneously, you hear the sounds of the vortex amplify and alter. What first sounds like the buzz of bees begins to take on an oscillating quality, which is joined by a low hum

This hum purifies into a tone and the tone becomes a spectrum of harmonies

These harmonies raise octave by octave growing ever more complex and compelling until,

     just as the center of the vortex bursts into gold and silver,

     the sounds crescendo into the Music of the Spheres

The music beckons you into the swirl of light and sound

They are ready to leave now, these portions of yourself which you shall never again need to be, which you shall never again ALLOW yourself to be!

Stand at the threshold of the vortex to hug and kiss them all goodbye. The youngest ones are first and the rest follow by chronological age, except that those who are older carry the ones who are too young to walk.

You wish to hold each one and wish them farewell, but the force of the vortex pulls them through faster and faster until they are becoming a blur.

All you can do is watch, as more and more of the person that you have known yourself to be disappears into the vortex of transmutation.

You watch your children, your teens, and your young adults whisk by so quickly that you can barely discriminate one from the other.

You feel as though you are in a tornado. You look around for something to hold on to, but there is nothing—nothing except your desire to remain upon the Earth to fulfill your destiny.

Yes, the Earth that has caused you such fear and, also, such joy. You have so often wished to abandon your responsibilities, and disappear into the wilderness of your own personal illusions.

Only your desire to stay, to fulfill your highest destiny, will protect you from the whirling pull of the vortex before you.

“It is not your time yet,”

     whispers the voice of guidance in the core of your mind.

“You are among those who have volunteered to stay until it is time for the great journey. Release now all portions of your past that are not able to participate in that destiny.

“Feel them as they loosen from their stranglehold Within your consciousness.

“Release them as they jar themselves from their long sentence within the prisons of your fear and pain.

“Allow them to surface so that they can be free.

     Free of constriction and restriction,

     Free of darkness and fear.

     Free of time and the limitations it has brought.”

There is a final force of suction, one so strong that it almost loosens your tenacious hold on your convictions. The vortex pulls you closer and closer. You see before you the eye of the hurricane, the center of complete stillness, total peace. This stillness beckons you to enter. Oh, dare you enter now? Dare you let go and release your promise, release your destiny? The temptation threatens to uproot the dedication that has grounded you.

The core is a deep stillness, an ultimate peace. The whirl of colors and sounds emanating from it are surrounding you. Dare you go now? Can you just surrender to the infinite peace and love that you feel within the vortex and join the other portions of yourself, who could no longer stay? After all, you are but one person. What possible difference would someone as insignificant as you make in the scheme of such a Divine Cosmic Plan?

Bit by bit, you feel yourself entering the vortex. What had once been powerful is now as gentle as an evening breeze. What had once been deafening is now as quiet as the first rays of dawn. Inside the vortex of our corridor, there will be peace. Inside, there will be love, and justice, and freedom. You raise your foot to take that first step into the core of the vortex, but as you do so, you feel another pull. It is the pull of your promise, the pull of your destiny.

“No!” you cry to the awaiting calm.

“I will not give up. I will not leave until I have accomplished all that I have promised to do, all that I have promised to BE.”

Suddenly, a hurricane of noise and a torrent of force replaces the moment of stillness and calm. You must use all of your will to resist and to return—return to your desire to complete what you have vowed to do—to complete the person you have vowed to be. You know that you must turn your back on the vortex or you shall never be able to resist its call.

In one monumental act of devotion, devotion to the Divine Plan, you turn around to face the challenge that you had threatened to leave. Behind you, you feel the instant release of the vortex.

In a flash of golden light—

     It is gone!

          You are alone.

But wait, before you a vision is forming. Gradually, you realize that the vision is one of a stairway, a stairway of light that is descending from the infinite unknown. Floating down the stairs you see wondrous beings filled with light, love and peace. Who are these beautiful beings, you wonder? "We are you," they reply in unison.

“Now that you have released the portions of yourself that have suffered in the third dimension, we can fill you with the portions of yourself that have loved upon the higher planes.

“We are you, you see. We are portions of your Soul that have awaited this moment so that you could release your pain and embrace your glory—our glory.”

One by one, the beings of light

     Are descending the golden stairway

          And entering your heart

Now you feel within yourself

     The peace,

          The glory,

               The harmony

                    And, YES, the love

Now, you feel within you,

     The confidence and courage

          To calmly and peacefully



Revealing Hidden Darkness

The Lower Fourth Dimension

Dear One,

We are using the Corridor as a homing beam for our ground crew. The ground crews are from different Home worlds (stars/planets of origin), as well as parallel realities in which they have taken form in the fifth dimension and beyond. Our Corridor provides a means in which you can reconnect with other incarnations of your Soul. The Arcturian Corridor is a star gate, a distribution station, or control tower, such as you have in your airports. We are the hubs, the way station for all inter-dimensional explorers. All inter-dimensional voyagers first enter through our vortex/corridor. They then either stay here, or they move on to whichever star system is their final destination.

The increased frequency of light within the Corridor immediately expands your consciousness into the fourth dimension. Take a long moment in the ever-present NOW of the Corridor to feel the higher frequency light around you. Our Corridor is designed to raise your frequency in a slow and steady fashion. Therefore, with your first step, the frequency of light is just one-half octave above that of your third dimensional reality, and by your second step you are in the fourth dimension. Feel the slight tingling in your body, mind and emotions as the light gently caresses you.

As you look closely at your surroundings, it almost appears that you are in a cloud, but the cloud is a swirling dance of changing hues of blue and violet. Look just where you are and allow where you are going to surround you when you get there. In this manner, you can BE where you are and be totally present with your experience.

The light that surrounds and embraces you is gently coercing your hidden darkness to the surface of your consciousness, so that it can be healed and released once and for all. Your darkness is not the part of you that is “bad.” Instead, your darkness is the part of you that is wounded. In this wounding there is fear, which has lowered your resonance enough that you have forgotten your true form of Light body.

You are now traveling through the lowest frequencies of the fourth dimension, known as the Lower Astral Plane. Since this is the lowest frequency of the fourth dimension, it holds all the darkness of all your incarnations, as well as all the darkness/fear that has been experienced by ALL of Gaia’s creatures. From within the Corridor, you can safely create a tunnel of light through the Lower Astral Plane to assist you and Gaia in releasing the accumulated lower frequencies of fear and darkness. Then, you can more easily activate your Light body, as well as the Light body of Gaia.

Take a moment now to visualize Gaia’s blue body below you. Can you see the darkness in the Lower Astral Plane? It is the accumulated darkness of the inhabitants of Gaia who have forgotten the true nature of their Soul/SELF. Watch the planet turn until it stops at the hemisphere, continent, country, state, city, neighborhood, home and the earth vessel of your grounded one, who is sharing your adventure within the Corridor

Using the great power of your imagination, create a tunnel through this darkness by sending a beam of the Corridor’s light down through the Lower Astral Plane to the area of Gaia’s body over which you are a steward

Take a moment now to feel the unconditional love within the Corridor. Inhale that love and exhale it out through the tunnel you have created and into your physical reality

As you look again at Earth, you see more and more pathways of light through the Lower Astral and through the darkness of Gaia’s aura, as you feel the unconditional love beaming within each ray of light

Because of this personal and global clearing of darkness, you may experience some unpleasant dreams as you continue this service while in you astral, night body. You may also experience spontaneous memories of unresolved issues of your childhood, teen years, and youthful relationships, and even other lifetimes. These residues of old, forgotten fears, angers, disappointments and sorrow are coming to the surface of your consciousness to be dealt with from inside the security of our Corridor.

The higher frequency light of the Corridor instantly transmutes any darkness that you release back into the balance point of pure light. Hence, with each healing of your darkness, you are able to tolerate higher and higher frequencies of light to facilitate your activation into Light body.

Because you are beloved members of the Planetary Ascension Team, you will be able to integrate the higher frequency into your physical body, your reality, and your planet when you return to your daily life. Gaia will also assist your process by contributing Her great experience, knowledge, patience and unconditional love.

Dearest Ones, all of you are reprogramming your internal sensors so that you can be in constant contact with your higher dimensional realities. This is why your old, hidden darkness must be brought to the surface to be released. This old darkness creates “static.” In turn, this static makes it difficult for you to clearly receive messages from the many higher levels of your SELF. Allowing hidden levels of your ancient darkness to come to the surface of your consciousness can create a sense of fear. To confront this issue learn to simply breathe out your fear.


          Take three long, slow, deep breaths.

          With each exhalation, imagine that your consciousness gets

          larger and larger until it fills the room.

          Take three more long, slow, deep breaths.

          With each exhalation, imagine that your body gets

          larger and larger until it fills the room.

          Take three more long, slow, deep breaths.

          With each exhalation, imagine that you can see the spaces in

          between the particles of matter of your expanded body.

          Now, see the vapors of fear as they approach you.

          Calmly observe them as they move past you and through the

          spaces between your expanded form.

          Do not attach to the fear. Simply allow it to flow through you.



When fear is no longer your enemy, you can more easily accept the love that constantly emanates from the place “in-between” fear and love. In this manner you can begin to remember that ALL separation is an illusion.

The Arcturians

(Please take one or more Earth days to integrate your process into both your personal and planetary bodies. Experiencing fear as ONLY an energy field reduces its power and allows you to feel your own power within, In this manner, you share your experiences with me, Gaia, to assist in our planetary ascension, and allow me to amplify your process with my unconditional love and compassion.



Thursday October 9, 2008—Listen to Suzan Caroll interview on:

For details, please click my media page at:

Journey Through the Arcturian Corridor continues. Please stay with on our inter-dimensional journey.

I will see you in the Corridor,



I’m Listening Too!  Check It Out!

Music Projects with Propellerhead Reason: Grooves, Beats and Styles from Trip Hop to Techno

ISBN: 1870775147
ISBN-13: 9781870775144

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