Friday, October 27, 2006

Hello Again My Friends!


smile_nerd Namaste Loved Ones!

First I would like to express my deep gratitude and love for all of the people who have to chosen to read my blog as a resource for their continued building of awareness. (More on this later)


I would like to take a brief moment and let you know why I have been illustrating and posting since Oct. 1.  Usually a couple of times a year I begin to observe imbalance in my being.  I have dedicated a major part of my personal resources to my digiverse.  I also do virtually all of my professional work on a computer.  After several months of literally being on a computer living the digital experience, I tend to forget that we live in wondourous world filled with light and experience in every moment wherever I am.  I also tend to forget that I have social networks outside of my digiverse.  So I take a technology break.  This one lasted a little longer than usual, but there was just so much fun stuff going on.


I did keep brief tabs on my various blogs and social networking sites, but truthfully, it was an exciting yet overwhelming experience to go from 100 hits per day to over 7,000!  And people where having no problem expressing how the information I share resonates with them


I would like to clarify what my blog is, why I do it and what exactly I intend by saying "Spreading the Seeds of Awareness!"  At it's very root I created my blog as place for me express and know at a deeper level information which resonates with me.  I am also a prolific artist, and one way I begin to experience the awareness is by illustrating.  This is why every posing has an illustration in it.  I continue to create my blog because it feeds my soul.  I am a being of expression, this gives me a terrific outlet.  And by simply stating that my intension is "Spread seeds of Awareness!" I am say just that, it means I have come into information which resonates with me, I inurn illustrate and share this information with others.


In no way am I, or will I, ever say that what resonates with me, must resonate with you.  I firmly believe in the way, is the way, is the way.  Meaning I honor each individuals choices and experience knowing that everything is always in perfection.  I does not require any particular path be chosen, but encourages one to follow their heart, intuition and feelings to guide them on their path of discovery.  It also means that I can spread the seed, but it your choice whether to nurture the seed and let it grow and flourish, or stick in a dark closet never to be experienced again.


Another point to clarify, is I create my blogs and illustrations to freely share with whomever would like to experience it.  This is not some elaborate scheme to "con" you out of money or get you to buy something.  I will acknowledge that some I blogs have ads, which I do make a small commission on, but this again your choice to go there or not.  I am not affiliated personally with any of the advertisers on my sites.  And just to illustrate my commitment to sharing my art freely, back in August I officially launched a website where you can get any one of most current illustration for only the cost of the print.  (Of which I earn nothing from, I just choose because they don't charge for storage space)  If you are interested check out . And for reference the original blog post


Again I joyfully express deep gratitude and love to everyone who has experience my blog and truly bring its consciousness up a couple of levels. Continue creating your experience as you intend it to be.  We are changing the world one thought at a time!


Sincere Thank You's!


Discover New Music!

I'm Listening to Hear Me Out by Frou Frou on the album Details!



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