Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Mission 1017!

Mission 1017


A cosmic trigger event is occurring on the 17th of October 2006.

This is the beginning, one of many trigger events to come between now and 2013. An ultraviolet (UV) pulse beam radiating from higher dimensions in universe-2 will cross paths with the Earth on this day. Earth will remain approximately within this UV beam for 17 hours of your time.

This beam resonates with the heart chakra, it is radiant flourescent in nature, blue/magenta in colour. Although it resonates in this frequency band, it is above the colour frequency spectrum of your universe-1 which you, Earth articulate in. However due to the nature of your soul and soul groups operating from Universe-2 frequency bands it will have an effect.

The effect is every thought and emotion will be amplified intensely one million-fold. Yes, we will repeat, all will be amplified one millions time and more.

Every thought, every emotion, every intent, every will, no matter if it is good, bad, ill, positive, negative, will be amplified one million times in strength.

What does this mean ?

Since all matter manifest is due to your thoughts, i.e. what you focus on, this beam will accelerate these thoughts and solidify them at an accelerated rate making them manifest a million times faster than they normally would.

For those that do not comprehend. Your thoughts, what you focus on create your reality. This UV beam thus can be a dangerous tool. For if you are focused on thoughts which are negative to your liking they will manifest into your reality almost instantly. Then again this UV beam can be a gift if you choose it to be.

Mission-1017 requires approximately one million people to focus on positive, benign, good willed thoughts for themselves and the Earth and Humanity on this day. Your thoughts can be of any nature of your choosing, but remember whatever you focus on will be made manifest in a relatively faster than anticipated time frame. To some the occurrences may almost be bordering on the miracle.

All we ask is positive thoughts of love, prosperity, healing, wealth, kindness, gratitude be focused on.

This UV beam comes into full affect for 17 hrs on the 17th of October 2006. No matter what time zone you are in the hours are approximately 10:17 am on the 17th of October to 1:17 am on the 18th October. The peak time will be 17:10 (5:10 pm) on the 17th October. You do not need to be in a meditative state through out this time, though would be beneficial. The main key time no matter what time zone you are in will be the peak time of 17:10 (5:10 pm).

Perhaps at this time if you can find a peaceful spot or location to focus. The optimum is out in the vicinity of grounded nature, likened to that of a large tree or next to the ocean waves. Focus on whatever it is you desire. What is required for the benefit of all Earth and Humanity is positive thoughts of loving nature.

We call this UV beam trigger event, "818" gateway. Please forward this message to as many people as you know who will use this cosmic trigger event to focus positive, good willed thoughts. We require approximately 1-million people across globe to actively participate in this event. Please use whatever communication mediums you have at your disposal. Reach out to as many people as possible. We require 1-million plus people at the least to trigger a shift for humanity from separation and fragmentation to one of unification and oneness. This is your opportunity to take back what is rightfully yours i.e. Peace and Prosperity for all Earth and Mankind.

This is a gift, a life line from your universe so to speak, an answer to your prayers. What you do with it and whether or not you choose to participate is your choice.




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Anna said...

About the 17th, I doubt it although feel positive twords the nice idea, doing affirmation every day. You ask us to forward it, before I do that i want to know your sourses for this information. Where did you came to know? And who told you, some scientist, some calender (like maya), som numerologist?

To get references may strenght the trustworthyness even moore, and that is needed if this will succeed, i think.

Looking forwar to hear from you,
Love, Anna From Sweden

Peter Stacey said...

The origin of this wave or its intention does not matter. We who are of the understanding that we have the power to create consciousness change can utilize this time for a miracle. Just for one minute imagine that if 1,000,000 people did give positive thought to this auspicious time. If it magnified the power of manifestation toward good and positive creation would it not be a worthy cause. SO I for one will act upon this proposal and utilise my world wide contacts to make this happen.

My background is in Earth Grids and matrices and the power of intentions for the purpose of raising the vibrational frequences of human consciousness. I shall aslo act upon this because nothing happens by chance and this event has been brought to my attention throught a synchronistic seriers of events that for me is a direct confirmatiuon it is real enough.

I have also been a Metaphysician for 30 years following all world events activations and energetic patterns being brought to this planet. Dont take my word for this event your heart will tell you all you need to know.

I have a question for anyone who may doubt this. If it is true and it happens where will be your thoughts to magnify them 1,000,000 times? One has nothing to lose by believing this and acting upon it other than the opportunity to grow!

Blessings of the Light

Peter Stacey

Stephen Miholick said...

What is it that I can do on this day for myself and humanity? I have to work from 1:00p till 10:00p that day so I can hardly find time to 'be' and feel positive. Although I work in a positive environment (a fitness gym) I still deal with drama. I hope that my daily drama at work does not turn in to 'my' manifestation.

Much Love
Steve Miholick

Mariana Straut said...

wow this mission 1017 seems to me like we will all wear that symbolic green mask which appeared in the movie "The Mask", lol

a beast or a beauty will came out from our selves.

this is a real opportunity for all of us to bring here on earth all we dreamed since from we were children: harmony, peace, joy and love

we can heal all through love then

Love and Light,

Mariana from Romania

Nun said...

People often mock what they do not understand.

Bendwill said...

Hey ... October 17 could be just another day like any other ... but then again, maybe it won't be. Does it REALLY matter if this started out as something "real" or not or just as someone's imaginative idea of what would be nice to have happen? I don't think the source of this idea does matter; what matters is HOW WE EACH FEEL INDIVIDUALLY ABOUT IT! If you believe that we manifest our own realities, then it certainly can't hurt to spend some time sending out positive thoughts and wishes at the same time as a million other souls on Earth ... and who knows, it just might help.

I plan to put some exta effort into my thoughts, prayers, and blessings that day, just in case I can help a good thought become part of a great reality. After all, every little drop of Love adds to the ocean of support that keeps us all afloat.

ALAIN G. said...

hi... I'm french from Martinique and i found the same text to-day on my computer... I agree with you Bendwill, when you say that it's not important if this is true or not... But maybe we will be more than one million people praying or sending our best wishes for earth and peace, on this 17th of october... And every day....

Torben Munk Nielsen said...

I have made it possible for every one to make structured water at home for free.

I have upgraded The Triple Blow you can use on the website for this cosmic trigger event is occurring on the 17th of October 2006. So drink structured water every day and you will be ready to recive the energy.

Love and light Torben

Liam said...

Well, why don't we create Mission 365.25?! That is, every single moment of our lives we live as though all is One, is Peace and is Love?

I read a book by Walter Russell a while back, called the Universal One. Time is an illusion. The power of Love is at the neutral center, and it is from that point that twin cycles in nature commence. There would be no need to say "ok, it's gonna be 17th October, I'm gonna send out a UV beam". Some people know that they can make a name for themselves by preaching peace and love, and by
securing a little slice of the action by having a channelled message and getting people to believe it. We want to believe because we all want a change. Let's make it from that place we are all One, the neutral center, and then apply it to the fullness of the cycles, all year round. Of course it is 17th October, and 18th and 19th etc.

2 cents.:-)

Art Rosenberger said...

please, someone address what should be done for those of us inclined to read or otherwise engage in the worldly ways on this important date.

Lynn said...

just keep smilin!!!!

Grace said...

Thanks for the article... I have never heard of a Cosmic Trigger Event before... But I'm with comment #4 Peter Stacey. I have forwarded this to all of my contacts and have inquired with an astrologer about this auspicious day; if she sees anything in the forcast.

Virginia said...

This is a first for me. A very Good friend forwarded me the information and it just blows me away. I take this very seriously, I feel like it's a door that will open and we should flood it with our prays of "Peace and Love wishes for our world. Right now all I see is negative programming for our world. Our poor children are feed so much bad programming (TV, movies, games of killings). We must take this opportunity to send up prays of Peace, Love, and meditate on excellent health. We must pray away disease, pain, killings, hatred and all that that in tells.


Rose Garland said...

He, Rose

Mara Geronimo said...

This seems so odd. But everything in my life right now has been lining itself up for this day. Ask and you shall receive.

Alfredo Villasenor said...

"I feel like treating every day like Oct 17th. But making people aware of the present consequences of our thoughts, feelings, and understandings is great. People still question their power, as if they have not seen what they already have manifested by their desires and beliefs."

Art Rosenberger said...

Another coincidence...or not... in the catholic digest for day-by-day prayer, the 17th is marked as "think positive thoughts" and the bible reading and interpretation are pointedly direct: ignore negative thoughts and focus on positive thoughts today. - Art

Nawnee said...

I think if you just keep forwarding this message we can get more than a million people and maybe we can start a fade LOL

Jesse said...

I read some of the book that Aba suggested reading,( thank you , it is quite good) and this is the thought i had after reading. What is important is for there to be more and more days/times that people focus outward and inwards with positive intention. I do believe that there are pre encoded dates and times when the cosmic energy is more highly charged, but we dont necessarily need those exact "special" circumstances to proclaim a day or moments of unified focus.
I feel this period , the window between 1987-2012 is highly charged in every space, and we are ripe for as many mass vigils , times where the many focus on the manifestation of joy, peace love and prosperity, as we can create.
I guess what i mean to say is if perhaps the 17th is not an especially cosmically pre endowed day , if it is choosen as a time to have a huge number of people focus with intention , it will become a powerful day.
We are co creating our own reality constantly, we have the power as indivduals to attract into our life that which we focus on.
If large numbers of us unify on a given day at a specific time with love and good will in our hearts and minds we absolutely have the power to create a rippling vibration that can manifest miracles.
I am sending my love light and highest hopes for a positive joyful, abundant and loving future into the universe.

Daria said...

Well I'll be...

Alexia Parks said...

Increased UV on our Planet is a call to lift our vibration level so that we move to the level of healers. I describe this higher-energy human in my book: RAPID Evolution.
To help amplify the 1017 message, I will send out another RAPID newsletter Sunday evening so that readers can plan their focus for Monday... and schedule *time out* for 5:10 PM. The exercise of watching each thought and action during 1017 could be a daily goal after that. Yes, the DOMINANT thought prevails!

g r said...


Darrell said...

as the light shines forth around the world may it help break the spells and open up the shells so that the golden light of love may flow through us all!! AMEN

Judi said...

Amazing! The news tells us the 300 millionth American will arrive on that day!
My question? Why do we need a certain day to be positive, loving and forgiving? Is it not our conscious choice to do and be so each and every day?
Whether our lives are filled with drama or peace it is our attitude to the events that make a difference. I choose peace, love and forgiveness; daily, hourly, by the minute and moment.
I participated in the Harmonic Convergence back in the 80's and from many perspectives the consciousness of humanity was raised at that time due to the efforts of those who participated in a day of love and positive energy.
I will add my energies to October 17 and each day preceding it and following it.

Barbara said...

Thank you! I just found out about this today and will forward the message onward. I have to work that day, but will take the time to stop and focus of peace, health and all the good things about this life.

me said...

feel it

Marilyn Lombard said...

I'm in!! With all the negative energy going on at this time this feels like a breath of fresh air and that I can really make a difference all of us together can make a big difference!!! What do you have to lose fake it until we make it!!! Has anyone read any to the David Ickes books I highly recommend. Not for the faint hearted..

doris nancy pollock said...

compassion is something you can develop with practice . it involves two things: intention and action . when we open our hearts we greatly enhance our sense of gratitude .let us discover one of the greatest secrets in this world is it's own reward ................may we all live peace and above so below ........d.n.p.

prem amala said...

40 years ago on the 17 sept 1966 my mother tried to kill herself and i was present , a major shock i was 17 years old at that time...that same evening i kissed a boy for the first time ,an other shock...since then the 17of each month has always been a special date to me! also in tarot 17 is the star ,the card of protection and i feel that this next 17 will again be a significant date be connected to all of you with whom i feel ONE all of you ..
you that think that this is bullshit...,you that think this is magic...,you that feel we can make a change in this beautiful and ugly world.yes iam here on earth right now to make a difference and as my name means unconditional love i would really love to live it at his fullest
and as my friend Osho said ''being enlightened is being here now'' love to you all

Serena Marsh said...

Question not that which is sent as a gift, for all our well-being.
Stay clear & open to your flow & it will guide you well.
Doubt not that which is already there for you to have, for your love/life.
Oct 17th & every other Collective Moment is truly a holiday to celebrate!
From the Heart of Venus, Florida
Serena Marsh

Susan said...

Cant wait - lets all be creative. love and peace to all XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Margaret said...

My dear friend emailed this news. For that, I am blessed. We all should continue the positive thoughts towards mankind after October 17th. It may just stop us from continuing to create this hellish world that we are living in.If Whatever said is true, let us all make a conscious effort to create 95% positive thoughts instead of 5%. I know that I will try, starting Now.

sany said...

I will be gathering a group of like minded people to enlighten our mind in our journey of life.

swifthorsewoman said...

Was told by a friend to search for this site. Fascinating-can't say I'm into belief or disbelief-however an amazing oportunity to make a difference. Cosmic rays or not lets join together and reclaim our humanity. My prayer will be for the Healing of Mother Earth and all her children. A Ho

Isabelle SK said...

This message sounds amazing !
I believe that we can create the light and positive energy for the world .
I will be in Taiwan and meditate with my students in the garden .
Actually i already have some strange feeling but not sure what is that ! Maybe this is the answer ?
Let's see !!

Love and Light
Isabelle from Taiwan

angelique said...

Another observation--5:10pm is 17:10 on the 24 hour clock. Things that make you go hmmmmmmmm...

Blessings and Peace to all

Murray said...

Sounds amazing cann't wait to see what comes around.
Blessings of love and light.

y2k said...

Hi, mybe i'm one of the firsts italians that some days ago has been known this great event (if is real)
I was wondering if...if in this day all chakras could be opened and i ask about what i should focus on for this purpose :)
However this news is spreading also around italian web ^_^

Maria - Brazil said...

Many translations in portuguese for this event is spreading in brazilian web and I am sure that a huge number of persons alreardy is in!

ritamai(auramosis) ( said...

just remember everyone, to remember to gaze deeply into the setting sun, use the muscles of the eyes to draw the rays down into the auricfield. Increase the squinting movement to that of rapid and watch the rays pulsate into the field. Eventually one will see the colours emanating from the sun then out into the sky and then they will flood into the auricfield creating a path from heaven to earth. Doing this shows our willingness to connect and accept the changes to our dna, which will occur when we truly connect to the intelligent sentient sun(be-in-(g).
I AM totally "in love" with the sun, with the air, with the sea and with the earth and feel totally guided by the "Be-in-(G)" within these elements (my favourite use of "being" (for me, means "be in G(od)"
may peace prevail
with light and love
ritamai (auramosis)

Believer said...

Well - I can't say I believe it but do want to believe in the power of people thinking and doing good. It's quite a task to think good thoughts but for a few hours on one day - what do we have to lose - except negativity?

I am in! Have you ever been to a wedding , the feeling is good, the people are celebrating, there is a sensation of union, of love, of friendship, of faith....imagine that sensation - expanding to the entire planet - feeling joy and love - all at the very same moment. There has to be POWER in that one feeling, thought, belief.

When we simply 'touch' each other we blossom and a change is made, we live longer, there is a chemical change, why can't we believe that our thoughts have that same power?

BELIEVE... you have nothing to lose....

YellowBrick Road said...

I shall be repeating over and over in my head, "I wanna get laid..." "I wanna get laid..." "I wanna get laid..." "I wanna get laid..." "I wanna get laid..." "I wanna get laid..." "I wanna get laid..." "I wanna get laid..." and hopefully those thoughts amplified a million times over will land a hot babe in my lap!

Al said...

are you all completely mad, I find this incredibly hard to believe. Where is your information from. I mean who tells you this. I would like to believe in some of this stuff. Not particularly keen on the links to the koran and the day of destiny, but in all honesty, what crap is the koran anyway? I will be positive for you all anyway. Positively thinking about how happy i am that i knew nothing about this prior to today!

Lin Phelps said...

If anyone does not understand the power of your thoughts, PLEASE go buy the movie, "The Secret" and watch it as many times as time will allow before this cosmic event on Tuesday. Then as you fight the rush hour traffiic at 5 PM as millions of people will be doing, you have the opportunity while sitting in your car to change the world. Not only your life, but all of humanity.
If you can't find the movie just remember,

Your Thoughts Are The Kingdom Within. The universe always answers your THOUGHTS, (prayers),

Your Wish is my Command! That WISH is your thoughts. That is the Universal Law of attraction. It can NOT be changed. Control your thoughts carefully, as all thoughs are mind and mind is the universe we live in.


Lin Phelps Bulverde, Texas

pavel said...

Dear friends,

If this message is real or not it doesn’t matter.
What is real and what isn’t real in this world?
It is a nice idea. An ultraviolet, a microwave or a radio ( any wave ) pulse it doesn’t matter. It will be a wonderful to have in our minds from Oct. 17, 2006, until the end of our lives only good thoughts. Good and bad, this is another relativity.
What is “bad” for a good man and what is “good” for a bad man? What is good for the mineral in the soil?
What is good for the plants?
What is good for the herbivores?
What is good for the carnivores? The Creator didn't clarify that.
A ultraviolet cosmic beam can be devastated for the life on the Earth. May be, an another kind of wave…a Soul Wave, not an ultraviolet one?
But a serious question is how many thoughts can generate our brains in 17 HOURS ?
Who is that human being who can focus so well for 17 hours only on positive thoughts of love, prosperity, healing, wealth, kindness and gratitude?
And if only 1 000 000 people will do this…what about the rest of
6 000 000 000 people who are thinking to their daily disparate survival? This Mission-1017 looks like a Mission Impossible in the best case or Mission Apocalypse more probable. The good men will be good and the wise men will be wise.
We need a Cosmic Ray to change our ignorance to wisdom, to purify us. But this wave is only coming from our inner nature, from our mind, and nothing can amplify it except us. It’s not easy.
Good Luck!

Jo said...

I am all over this one. I love it. I don't understand about space and light beams, but I do know our energies working together can create shifts for all of mankind. So if this beautiful blue/magenta beam is going on, more power to us! I am taking the day off, I am riding my motorbike to whereever beautiful it leads me and I will spend the day being amazed. Love, light and tons of gratitude, jo from Kelowna, BC

Andy said...

These positive, good thoughts should be our goal every day and at all times; so, why not join everyone else in this very good venture. This can't do any harm and can only improve our lives. why not?

claudia boulton said...

YES YES and YES, accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative, choice with every breath.Awareness with every thought. Increase the fiels increase the yield. Here's to an ultraviolet blue wave tomorrrow and on through the spectrtum. Thanks for the links.

claudia boulton said...

YES YES and YES, accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative, choice with every breath.Awareness with every thought. Increase the fiels increase the yield. Here's to an ultraviolet blue wave tomorrrow and on through the spectrtum.

Kathy said...

I received the email about this earlier in the day, but, it has been on my mind all day. It is early in the morning here in Texas. I live in the Hill Country, and the sky is beautiful. We had a white owl in our backyard, I thought he left, but this morning he woke me up, and it sounded like he may be in our chimney, it sounded so close. White owl's are considered "good medicine" by the Native Indians. It is a sign of good things to come. Then I started thinking about this project and realized that this owl woke me up to have some precious time alone to think about all of this. We can move mountains, we can heal others, we have such power given to us by God and we have drifted away, the 17th will be the day that we all realize how powerful we really are, how strong our minds and hearts are and we will change the world.

Back to my response, I was brought back to the site and I cannot get enough information. The mind and heart are such powerful forces. I am a person of great faith in God, and I know that whoever started this was positioned by God, I just feel that.

There is a war in the heavens and tomorrow that war could end if everyone uses their minds to stop it. There are so many things I pray for, healing for myself, I have serious health issues and traditional medicine is not working, I want everyone I know and don't know to think for themselves and know that everything they do makes a difference whether it is positive or negative. I want our troops home, I want peace and prosperity for all.

As good stewards of the land, a beautiful gift from God, we have to mend what man has done, we can do this on the 17th and continue to make change with positive thoughts.

I will think positive for new leadership, positive leadership. I will think positive that the hungry are fed, the poor are clothed, and the injustice is remedied.

I will think positive for others to be kind to one another, show more understanding and patience. I will think positive that everyone who carries the heavy burden of debt and despair, will be lifted. I will think positive that our children will be safe and that the sick people who try to hurt them will go away, there is a place for them but not here, not with our children, I pray that all children understand the important position they will inherit and how important it is to speak of peace, love, tranquility, and above all be good stewards of this earth.

I pray with an abundance of positive energy that all people are released of any guilt, anger, sadness, loneliness and become full of positive energy. I want them to see how important they are to this world.

I pray with an abundance of positive energy that people see one another as one and the same, no color barriers, no misconceptions, we are all the same and we can all make a difference, right now, tomorrow and forever.

There are so many things to feel positive about, 17 hours is a short amount of time to accomplish this, so continue to stay positive and set our minds on accomplishments and change each and everyday after.

Loraine SC said...

I have been aware of this cosmic event for some time now and see it as time and opportunity for all `LIGHTWORKERS' (and you are if you're reading this email) to unite in a global/cosmic enhancement of Mother Earth's Ascension and our own and every single living being on our beloved planet.
Despite our own personal dramas, which are many and very testing, once again we are being called to the `greater good of all Light' to harmonise and reflect (affect) our glorious well being here in our Universe. I will personally devote the majority of my energies to this cause during the following time period despite our time differences globally. To the greater good in the I AM.

neon said...

I will really do the meditation tomorrow. I really recommend checking out The Secret movie, it's a great inspiration for this quest.

naked bananas said...

this is the magic of what we live for as carriers of light - take a risk and break through the mole but don't let go...stay independent from negative whirlwinds and remember this is not about YOU its about your mind, body, soul connection to the greater good. , 10/17 is a day to believe that you are loved for exactly who you are in the circles you keep, not this year but every year. Astrologists have been aware of this for a long time. from a mountain lion mama who cares about her cubs more than herself -Blessed Be mother godess reawakens with vigor so be on your best behavior.

fire on the mountain said...

don't overcommit yourself, learn a little bit about your independence before you give it away

Natuke Deformeerunud » Archive » Teisipäeval saame maailma paremaks mõelda said...

[...] Täpsemalt saab lugeda siit. [...]

Elise said...

Pour info

Barbara Leah (Mystic Visitor) said...

Aho to All of My Relations,
What a blessing it is that we have received this information. I have forwarded this site and information to all on my list. Those who are not on the net, I phoned.
I am conducting medicine wheel ceremony and sacred pipe along with the meditations on 10-17. Those assembled here in flesh and spirit will merge energies on all levels with all beings of Love and Light for this blessing of planet Earth and the Children of Humanity.
The Celestial Hierarchy has worked diligently--since before the start of the Angelic Wars and the resulting warping of Earth to an alternate position in our Solar System--to get Earth to this point on this date so that the final corrections and adjustments can and will be made. Balance and order will be restored on Earth. The resulting multidimensional shift will reboot not just Earth but all effected by these ancient events, which happened long before the Earth had reached densification.
On 1017 especially we must all remember, "Where two or more are gathered miracles can and DO occur." We who choose to participate form an unified front for anchoring this energy into the world of matter and form. Through Universal Laws we join rank for the healing of the Earth's etheric webbing and realignment.
With the focused intent, both collectively and individually, we can each do our part to restore balance on our beloved Ina Maka [Mother Earth]. Our beloved planet will be as Divine Plan intended...a planet of unconditional love and peace with health and wealth for all. And, the re-establishment of balance between the Cosmic Christ and the Feminine Divine.
Sacred Blessings to All. Mitakuye Oyasin. We are all related. We are all One. As these things are asked in love, may they be received in love, and may they be returned in love.

In loving service with joyous gratitude,
Wolf Dreamer

mnb said...

october 17th is my birthday so I feel extra blessed that the universe chose a really cool day for this transforming event. So happy birthday to all october 17thers and love, joy, peace and blessings to every one!

Dawnsclouds said...

The time has come for mankind to re-connect with all living beings. When we look at trees, flowers, rocks, wildlife - including our beloved pets - they can tell us how urgent it is to change our outlook. They have the answers.
My prayers and meditations are that we ask for insight and the ability to listen, hear and understand what our animals and other life forms have to tell us if we are to survive and become one again.

Helen J said...

Blessed Be One and All on this auspicious day.

Like others I received the message and came searching for the source, knowing that it really doesn't matter, for it is a fine thing to spend at least one day of devotion to getting clear on our highest intentions for ourselves and humanity.

It is my intention that all of humanity be raised up in awareness and united in intent to live in love, peace and harmony with each other and the planet. It is my intention that we reclaim our sovereignty as powerful co-creators on this planet that becomes a shining example in the Universe of love-based government where all beings live in co-operative creativity with each other, the land, the oceans and all life on earth and elsewhere.

It is my intention that the planet is cleaned up. That humanity owns it responsibility as stewards of this beautiful place and rapidly manifests free, clean, renewable energy resources and elegant solutions to pollution, both spiritual and physical.

It is my intention that poverty becomes the distant memory of a past dark age, and that health, prosperity, wisdom and celebration is the state of being for all life on earth.

It is my intention that all liars, deceivers and abusers, starting with those in positions of authority, are exposed and deposed and replaced with beings that lead from love filled hearts. It is my intention that those who are unable to raise their consciousness are confined to places where they can evolve at their own pace and where they cause no harm to others.

It is my intention that Wisdom, Truth, Justice and Love prevail on our world and in our our hearts.

It is my intention to hold love in my heart from this day forward, to live with positive perspective, to bring healing and joy and to positively affect any being I come into contact with for the rest of my earth walk as I fulfil my mission and destiny.

All blessings to SethD and every lightworker drawn here - it is my intention that you be empowered to positively affect our planet and peoples and that you personally experience health, wealth and happiness in great abundance.


So Be It

I give thanks for everything in my life and for this initiative, whatever it's source, for inspiring my focus to join with like minded others for the benefit and highest possible good of All.

Tanya said...

Love is all there is.... love & be loved!

Many blessings to you all & everyone on earth. We are very fortunate indeed to be part of the major changes that are coming our way on this beautiful planet.

Love the world and love yourself.


Tara said...

Where is Galaxy 2?

fire on the mountain said...

Personally I find it most valuable that we are utilizing freedom of expression, across the globe.. hungry, england, us, india, etc.. ,

tap into the love people - all is well in times of war fight the power

Liam said...

Where is Galaxy 2?

I think the so called UV beam message was claimed to be coming from Universe 2. I've thought about it, and come to the conclusion it is where Jimi Hendrix and his band (Janis Joplin, Keith Moon and all) are touring.:-)

Claire said...

Like others, I am sceptical about the 'science' part; i.e.the UV part of the em spectrum has a definite range of frequecies. I do however believe in love, harmony and positive intention. So I am already in a meditative state - have been all day - I can still function in this way! I will send out love and peace and joy during the time around 17:10

May we all tread carefully and joyfully along this path to enlightenment.

Rev Doris L. Hayes, Director of the Universal Listening Post said...

I AM most grateful to you and have alerted as many as possible via e-mail and hard copy since another TULIP Pray-er faxed me this in n
the latter part of September SO if they choose to THEY CAN participate today October 17th 2006. I live in Niwot, CO and our Light Workers live around the USA and in France, India, So. America, several countried in Africa. We are connected with Ascended Masters: Sananda Immanuel, Lady Nada, World Mother Mary, Christ Michael and His Legions of Angels, Goddesses Liberty, Justice,Freedom,Victory. Saint Germain and HIS Transforming Violet Flame, The Great Lord Buddha and many more..

We believe we are in the ONENESS. We are all One. We are children of Almighty God and some of us are from the Great Central Sun.
We are assured from ON HIGH we are now in the fifth
dimension. I am in contact with POWERFUL SPIRITUAL BONAFIDE
Folk who aided the opening of that portal in Kawai in August of this year and in opening other PORTALS in the past few years that is bringing We, the People (who will ) and our Blessed Mother Earth and the Ones in INNER earth WHOM I have been fortunate to meet in 1994 in a powerful Conclave in Banff, Canada into the Christ Consciousness, Energy and Vibration.

So dear ONEs, bring it on!!!. Teach us more!

For some years now I've have been assured a time is coming when we will regain HOME HEAVEN ON EARTH and our LOST Garden of Eden from eons ago.

So my heart leaped with great joy upon hearing from you and this Mission 1017.

I have written my letter To our God Parents --my soul's sincere desires, both personal and planetary that I have been writing about and holding in Love AND Light MANIFEST as the great SeraphimAngel Julian says: "In the Right and Proper Time. This seems now and I am open to it Now--today!

Please teach me more about the UV beam. I have no qualms or doubt that it exists and is true, and I would love to share with my TULiP Pray-ers. Some of them have joined you. We are
TRUTH Seekers and would be a joy to learn more.

We belive Sananda Immanuel, our elder brother who told us the time would come when we would know TRUTH and TRUTH WOULD SET US FREE AND IT SEEMS TO ME now IS THE TIME FOR promised TRUTH!. Yay God!

Also I have known for years of the Jehovan War Lords and that a time would arrive when we would be THANKFULLY FREE. So Be it! IT!

That this Cosmic trigger is new to me does not keep me from being open to it. It resonates to be true with me. Again I am most thankful to you, R/Blue. God Bless you Mightily! Doris

spaceman mark said...

Bullshit aint no truth in it.

richard Ludt said...

I have been praying about these things in many ways. I am today going to be facilitating a breath and healing touch workshop in Portland Oregon. In the time before it starts i will be sitting at 5pm at the base of a great tree in the woods collecting a fountain of strength and calm to bring forth to the students who come to explore how to receive healing touch and give healing touch. The breath. THIS is the core of the workshop, with water it's mover. Thank you for reminding me of the power of intention and to read and see the solidarity of healers and light workers from around the globe.
I was in an Inipi Sweatlodge on sunday praying that this day Tuesday oct 17,206 i would be guided and reminded to share the power of intention.
It is my intention to keep my heart filled with love and positive vibrations and to send them out to all beings that we may remember our true selves. The loving caring compassionate beings that walk lightly on the earth and honor all things.
Aho Mitakuye oyasin
Blessed be
God Bless
Sat Nam

Cheree' Rainbow said...

Blessings of love and light! May all awaken to one mind and finally we can self actualize and live in harmony with all living beings!!What a great chance to focus all of our minds together and invision a world in peace and harmony!!!Life is a magical thing! A gift! I am so happy to have recieved this email and have tried my best to pass it on. We need a miracle everyday!!Love and light-Namaste, Cheree' Rainbow

nutter said...

keep taking the lsd dudes.... keep the up with the rainbow love man. Its all buulshit I know coz Ive been to the other dimention and nobodys in

Vivi macedo said...

I love you all. My heart is filled with joy. I think of world peace, I ask for love to all.
I am in Maui, Hawaii, USA. Will be giving Ram Dass a Watsu and Waterdance session at 3:00 to 4:00 today the 17th October 2006. I have been here for 5 days working with him and taking Aquacranial with the dolphins at the beach. The dolphins are very in tuned with the beam of ligth that is passing thru us. They are here to love us and help us heal.
Open up your hearts and love, and feel love and be love. There is no fear that can exist if you fill your heart with trust and love. Surrender to love, to the great power of love divine.
Muito amor, great love, peace, gratitude, abundance, health and beauty.

Mary said...

You listed hours of the day the UV beams would be strongest in your Mission 1017! article but not a time zone. I'm in CA and am 3 hrs off EST. Where are you?

Love everyone!! said...

To all the people who do not have dreams or beliefs... try believing in something other than yourselves, you might find something very rewarding at the end of the tunnel. Karma works its way into your life whether you believe it or not. If you give of yourself and what you have, and you will be rewarded. What have you got to lose?? A few minutes of your time, plus the feeling of genuine warmth will never steer you wrong.

Cynthia Sue Larson said...

I am dedicating today to meditation, reflection, and grounding... of necessity, as there is such a strong sense I am feeling from the collective consciousness now on this planet of sadness and fear. These feelings are so clear to me, and not "mine," although it's clear that we are all as one, so what I feel affects us all. I am meditating to remain clear, balanced, energetically clean and grounded today. Thank you for posting this information, and helping raise the topic of collective consciousness and unified cosmic intent.

I also hold the question in mind today, "How good can it get?"

jude said...

Wow, thanks for the laugh! That was funny. Lord knows we need some humor in this world. It's hard to see sometimes, but when we can, it's like a window into the divine. I'd like to be able to go back to other stages in my life when I was convinced that manifestation was all an illusion and not really hurting anyone, but living in this plane of existance is painful and there is no justifying it. I know that we could create heaven on earth, and we could do it right now, and the fact that we don't choose to really makes me sick. I hope if anything comes out of this energy exchange it is that people become more choosy. Choice is everything. Thinking is only the beginning, it's what you do with your thoughts that counts.

Christina said...

A few years back I had a Near Death Experience and the part I remember the most was an Angelic being told me this, "Fist, you have to know what you want, then you have to believe that it can happen, and then when you think, have faith and put your emotions into something, it will happen." My whole life changed that day. And I agree with the Angel. Regardless if there is a photon belt, which I read about in a Barbara Marciniak book years ago, or not, our thoughts with emotions attached to them creates what we are living now, so I for one will meditate for world peace and love to our world today, When it happens, will all of you skeptics out there laught loudest?

Burton Danet, Ph.D. said...

"All we ask is positive thoughts of love, prosperity, healing, wealth, kindness, gratitude be focused on."

Can such positive thoughts help create better communities for all?

Melanie said...

The power of intention is GREAT!! It is my intention for earth to be a whole and healthy place to live. It is my intention for humankind to accept one another's differences as strengths, not obstacles, towards understanding one another. It is my intention to be all that I can be during this sojourn on earth.
Thank you ALL for your sincere intentions. I've felt the love all day. Let's continue with intentional focus tomorrow and on...

Om Mane Padme Hum.

tao in boulder said...

Dualistic thinking is a sickness.
Religion is a distortion.
Materialism is cruel.
Blind spirituality is unreal.

Chanting is no more holy than listening to the murmur of a stream, counting prayer beads no more sacred than simply breathing, religious robes no more spiritual than work clothes.

If you wish to attain oneness with the Tao, don't get caught up in spiritual superficialities.
Instead, live a quiet and simple life, free of ideas and concepts.
Find contentment in the practice of undiscriminating virtue, the only true power.
Giving to others selflessly and anonymously, radiating light throughout the world and illuminating your darkness, your virtue becomes a sanctuary for yourself and all beings.

This is what is meant by embodying the Tao.

Hua Hu Ching
Lao Tzu

The peace you seek must be found in you. Look nowhere but inward.

Steve said...

What a load of crap!

Jessie B said...

cheree rainbow the spectrum twists and turns forward, backward, its essence sings waves of mystcial promises that peace is now and we are all connected. As long as the ocean is pure we will continue to be carriers of light as long as we have brains in our heads the world will not crumble on our watch. Angels have spoken again words of intention - what you believe will happen will.

loving you like a sun shiny day

Daniel said...

THANKS fire in the mountain - in VT- for your blessings. I do want to help, not sure to whom or how, but I have a sincere disposicion to deliver good will. Also what you say makes sense: maybe my -our- DNA is awakening with this radiation in those segments named 'junk DNA'. Perhaps now we will know that this 'junk' might be rather our most precious legacy in the espiritual/emotional/intelectual realms.
Thanks again, Fire in the mountain.

Liam said...

Being led astray by a charlatan is nothing to be pleased with. It seems that if I do not believe the truth about this UV beam and the 10/17 date, then I am of low vibration, a non-believer. If I am being asked whether I believe in peace and love, well the answer is YES, it goes beyond belief even. But it has been rather humorous to seeing people who are obviously so easily manipulated and led by a nonsensical channelled message by supposed aliens try and make people like me feel bad for not going along with it. This has been a typical "emporer's clothes" exercise. Someone mentioned the phrase "seek truth".....good comment.:-)

Andyzon1 said...

Hi Camellia,

It is never too late. Just because you missed the strong ray doesn't mean that the opportunity is over until the next time. Quite the contrary!
The weaker ray is active all of the time. So make ue of it all the time.


Andyzon1 :)

MTLHC said...

I find it very amusing that there were a couple of posts here just the other day that have "mysteriously" disappeared. Guess Seth ol' boy doesn't want any of his "people" to be influenced with theories or comments other than the B.S he is spreading around here on his site.
Guess he got a little nervous about having to explain himself and deleted the posts.......ah well! No biggie - I just love a challenge!

So the date of Oct. 17 came & went, just like the date in May of the predicted killer Tsunami and every other crazy made up date!

Word to the wise - you don't need this shit to be a good, positive, loving person. (I would advise you all to read post # 32...)

shivaBOM said...

The next few months will prove what has been accomplished,stop guessing and be patient the light is about to brighten!!!

Liam said...

Both polarities are coming to a head actually. You will find things darkening somewhat more before the Light finally exposes.

EUGENIE from Guernsey, Channel Islands, UK said...

Well I had a gut feeling that this was for real and I send the news out to loads of people and organised a meditation in my house that evening. The peace and sense of sacred presence in the room was very powerful indeed. I agree fully with you guys who say "even if it's not true - it can do no harm". Indeed I felt so good spending one day totally focussed on feeling and thinking positive loving thoughts, I'm endeavouring to do this every day. See the film "The Secret" about the Law of Attraction and you'll understand how crucial it is to focus ONLY on what we want in our lives and not allow our thoughts and feelings slide down into negativity - WE'RE DIRECTLY AFFECTED BY WHAT WE THINK AND FEEL. Who know's all of us who earnestly took part in this could be contributing to a 100th monkey syndrome for World Peace !!

fire on the mountain said...

My my my what a bizarre world it is we live in.

walter said...

is there a way for me to know when ther is another outburst of energy on earth like we had on tuesday 17 th oktober. Is there an internet link or can anyone send me an email?

robert muzquiz said...

thank you !!!