Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Save Energy while Saving Us!

+ Switch Today & Save!


Saving Energy, Reduces Global Warming Pollutants!


This week we had NSTAR, our local power company, come out and due a check of our meter because our power bill has been escalating out of control for several months now.  They where very helpful, when they came out they brought our power usage, year over year, and lots of ways we could save a bit on our bill.


At this point my roommate and I where willing to do anything because our bill had doubled, so for the most point this started out as a financial savings not a green one.  The representative told us we could save about 5-13% of our power by switching to energy efficient compact florescent bulbs.  He said they where more expensive, but they lasted allot longer and save energy.  Then he told us, just imagine if every household would switch to these bulbs the amount of energy saved and pollutant created to make that energy would be astounding.


WE SWITCHED!  I know it may not seem like allot, but this little energy savings adds up globally, quickly.  Want to start getting involved with changing our reality, let's start with what we can change towards a more conscious way of living.  Re-member, it all starts with you!

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