Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Understanding the Nature of the Tzolkin, Consciousness and Elvea Systems



Vibration - The Underlying Nature of Everything

A Brief Course in the Tzolkin and the Metaphysics of Sound, Light and Consciousness


Basically, vibration is the underlying Nature of everything. Anything that exists has a vibration or is an aggregate of vibrations; anything and everything. In the physical world, those vibrations are embodied in atoms. The state of vibrations in the physical world ranges from solid, to liquid, to gas; hence the aggregate vibrations of the H2O molecule in its solid state are ice, in its liquid state are water and in its gaseous state are vapor, steam and clouds. Ice is dense and concrete, while vapor is ephemeral, but they are both comprised of the same basic molecular vibration, H20, at different vibratory states.

Along with other atoms, hydrogen's vibratory state can be elevated even higher to become light, as in the vast majority of stars. Same atom, same basic vibration, different vibratory state. Just as the vibration of hydrogen in ice can be accelerated into the stellar vibration of light, so the stellar vibration of hydrogen can be decelerated into water.

Metaphysical and Spiritual

The word "metaphysical" means above the physical. Just as the physical world is made of vibrations, so is the supraphysical world, metaphysics is the study of the correlations between vibrations of the physical and supraphysical dimensions. The main vibrations of the metaphysical realm are thoughts and emotions. Just as the vibratory states of the physical realm can be elevated and lowered, so can those of the metaphysical realm. For example, the higher the vibration of thought, the more intelligent and creative is the thinker and the lower the vibration of the emotions, the heavier and depressed are the feelings; hence a crass personality can become refined by a consistent refinement of one's thought behavior and anger management issues can be resolved by a consistent behavioral response based in love.

Beyond the metaphysical realm is the spiritual realm. Spiritually, the higher the spiritual vibration, the more Divine or in harmony with the Divine is the state of being in that realm. The Source, or God/dess is at the pinnacle of that realm, with angels, elves, humans, fairies and demons functioning in descending vibratory states below that One. (Of the subsequent beings mentioned, since the Divine created humans to be perfect expressions of Itself, humans are the only beings capable of practically changing their spiritual vibratory states by unifying their metaphysical vibrations with the spiritual vibrations of the Divine. As a consequence of doing so, the individual's mind and psyche become purified and enter into higher levels of Consciousness. Based on the correlations between the metaphysical and physical realms, this unity may extend all the way to the individual's physical body.)

Understanding the Nature of the Tzolkin and Elvea Systems:Intermediate I

Principles of Light, Sound and Consciousness

All vibrations have a frequency. What is a frequency? It's a basic cycle of something, an high plus a low; in a music tone's case, a crest and trough of a sound wave. Each cycle is called an "oscillation". The rate at which a frequency oscillates is based on how many crests and troughs of its basic vibration there are within a single second of time. Higher frequencies simply have more repetitions of crests and troughs per second; lower frequencies simply have fewer crests and troughs per second. The lowest vibrations are those of the physical realm, the highest are those of consciousness; they, and all states of being in between, are vibrationally linked and related.


The Relative Nature of Sound and Light

Generally, the sounds we hear fall between 20-20,000 cycles per second. All sounds have basic qualities, which may be beneficial or negative. A tone with, let's say 100 crests and troughs or cycles per second has a frequency of 100 Hertz (100Hz) and is in the bass music register. A tone of 100x2 equals the same fundamental vibration, but twice the frequency, so it has the same basic sound and the same basic qualities but it's an octave higher, with a frequency of 200Hz. The same basic tone, 3 octaves higher, or 200x2x2x2 = 1600Hz and is now in the soprano register; however, while the frequency is higher, with more cycles per second, it's still the same basic tone with the same basic qualities. (Incidentally, once frequencies pass 1000Hz, they become kiloHertz, so that tone would be written as 16kHz)  If you keep multiplying that tone's frequency x 2 long enough, it's vibration goes beyond sound to ultrasound, then into the electromagnetic spectrum to radio waves, then to microwaves, then infrared light, then visible light and on to ultraviolet, x-rays and gamma rays; same tone, same fundamental qualities, exponentially higher frequencies.


Music and Sympathetic Vibration

The musical scale most commonly used on earth, the"Pythagorean Scale" (named after Pythagoras, the Greek mathematician who first discovered it) has 12 basic, repeating tones.  Collectively, those 12 basic tones increase and decrease by octaves, high and/or low, but, like ice, water and clouds, they're still the same basic 12 tones in any given octave. When they're in higher octaves, the cycles of those tones oscillate faster, so technically they're higher frequencies - they vibrate twice as fast as the same tones an octave lower than them. When they're in lower octaves, the tones' frequencies oscillate twice as slow as the same tones an octave higher than them. Again, nonetheless, they are still the same, basic 12 tones and the basic qualities of the tones are still the same also.
(The qualities of many frequencies have general effects on objects upon or into which they're transmitted. Some frequencies have qualities that directly quicken or activate states of mind and/or emotion. Such frequencies are called "psychoactive", because they activate aspects of the psyche. Others, akin to those oscillating on high spiritual levels, have the qualities that can actually instill or engender states of mind or consciousness. Such frequencies are regarded as "psychogenetic" because they seed and establish levels and aspects of consciousness in the listener.)

Now, here's where the Magic comes into play. Just as the qualities of each basic tone remain consistent regardless of the physical vibratory state, they also operate metaphysically, generating effects on matter as well as emotions, thought and even and on human consciousness. An audio tone of 800Hz, which is the musical tone "G", generates a sense of balance. When it's increased by octaves into visible light frequencies, it's the color green; thus, the same balancing qualities of the color green are expressed by the musical tone of 800Hz and either (or the combination of) that color or tone will produce a sense of balance and harmony in the listener or viewer. This is accomplished through the principle of "sympathetic vibration."

Through the principle of sympathetic vibration, something in a lower vibratory state will begin to oscillate at the same fundamental tone when a tone of an higher frequency is expressed through it. That's how sound and color healing works, (as well as more formalized medical practices such as homeopathy.) The frequencies of our brainwaves are below the sound register, yet through sympathetic vibration, either the color green or the musical tone G can be used to stimulate our brainwaves and shift our physiological underpinnings, and consequently our emotions and thoughts toward balance and harmony. That shift extends beyond thought to consciousness as well, hence light and/or sound may be transmitted to directly transform our personal consciousness; the higher the basic qualities of the transmitted frequencies, the higher the level of consciousness they will stimulate.


Understanding the Nature of the Tzolkin, Consciousness and Elvea Systems: Intermediate II

Frequencies of Time, the Mayan Sacred Calendar and Consciousness

Our common calendar, the "Gregorian Calendar", charts the frequencies of solar cycles during our planet's 365.25-day solar orbit. Essentially, that calendar is established on a cyclical pattern of 30-31 days, repeating 12 times per calendar round. Each day may be regarded as a cycle, but unlike the constancy of the Pythagorean Scale, there's no constant regularity or symmetry to it's flow; it simply details solar cycles primarily for the purpose of charting seasons for social and economic coordination.

In ancient Meso-America, Mayan astronomers discovered both the 365.24 solar calendar cycle and, most significantly, another calendar cycle built on a perfectly symmetrical, constantly regular series of 13 days which courses through 20 phases of evolution, (for a period of 260 days per calendar round.) Rather than charting just solar cycles, this calendar primarily charts psychogenetic cycles of Consciousness oscillating through the 13-day periodicity . Thus, similar to qualities of sound, radio and television waves, the frequencies of this calendar's cycles embody and express information essential to Qualities of spiritual Consciousness. This calendar is commonly known as the "Mayan Sacred Calendar", or the "Tzolkin."

The Tzolkin's 260-day cycle synchronizes with the Gregorian Calendar's 365.25-day cycle every 52 years. Using It as a calendar, the ancient Maya were able to track and accurately determine corresponding effects of the frequencies inherent to such cycles on human consciousness and planetary epochs, spanning millions of years. However, within the Mayan clergy, there was a much deeper understanding of the Tzolkin; there, in Its purest sense, the Tzolkin is regarded as a universal, periodic table of the harmonics of time-space embodying and continually and comprehensively expressing "every possible permutation of the One Giver of Movement [time] and Measure [space]", i.e. It is a Table embodying the cycles inherent to the Emanation of Divine Providence (or "Hunab K'u")throughout the Creation.


The Basic Woof and the Warp of the Tzolkin

The 20 phases of evolution through which the Tzolkin's 13 fundamental days progress are archetypal ideations known as "Sacred Signs". Each of the Sacred Signs represents an aggregate sequence of the 13 days as the days uniquely overlay each Sacred Sign. Each of the 13 days represents a specific psychoactive and psychogenetic frequency or tone and, with their collective sequence of tones, each Sign instills and engenders particular Qualities of Archetypes of Universal Consciousness within the individual's neuronal net and psyche.

Viewed graphically, with Sacred Sign 1 at the top of the Calendar's array and Sacred Sign 20 at the bottom, the Calendar is read vertically from top to bottom and left to right, beginning with "1" in the upper left corner and ending with "13" in the lower right corner. Reading the Calendar horizontally from left to right, we see the specific sequences of days, 1-13, corresponding to and composing each Sacred Sign. Hence, the sequence of days (or order of base frequencies) for the 1st Sacred Sign, Imix, is 1-8-2-9-3-10-4-11-5-12-6-13-7. Therefore, the second day/kin of Imix (row #1) is the 21st day of the Calendar's cycle and the 8th of the 13 fundamental tones. Furthermore, the fourth day/kin of the final Sign, Ahau (row #20), is the 40th day of the Calendar's cycle and the 2nd of the 13 tones.


Click on the image for a larger version of the Tzolkin

(Taking the Calendar at face value, there are apparent contradictions to the statement that each Sacred Sign has an unique sequence of 13 days/kin/tones. The base frequencies of the primary tone sequence for the Sacred Signs 1-7 are identical to those of the Sacred Signs 14-20. However, the Tzolkin's inner structure reveals subtones that are uniquely specific for each of the Calendar's 260 days. The primary tone of each day, the number of each kin's face value, has a unique combination of three additional subtones. Thus, four tones are required to electromagnetically express the full vitality of each unit/kin of each Sacred Sign. Therefore, for those who are familiar with esoteric philosophy, the Tzolkin's fundamental structure is a 4-pole Template, akin to the Tetragrammaton!)

Much more than a calendar, the Tzolkin is a Model embodying psychogenetic harmonic combinations and patterns of electromagnetic frequencies by Which the emanation of specific Divine Qualities is facilitated throughout the universe. It is a Model that is perennially represented by the energetic woof and warp of galactic celestial cycles, a Model that enables us to become familiar and synchronized with those cycles and the Qualities of Consciousness they express in order for us to more fully act and interact with and as those Qualities. The Maya regard this Model as an universally applicable Matrix embodying the Logic by which Spirit manifests and utilizes Movement and Measure (space/time) to propagate and sustain Universal Consciousness in humanity.


The Matrix Revealed

Observing planetary, solar and galactic systems through the lens of the Tzolkin, the Maya recognized the metaphysical correlations between macrocosmic cycles and those of the subtler realms of existence, including the psyche and spirit. They realized that the Tzolkin's permutations and the Qualities embodied by them are constant, on all planes, in all dimensions, expressing Logical correspondences and correlations between subtle and gross manifestations of Nature, e.g. between the archetypes of the Mind and the codons of DNA et al. In that light, they recognized the Tzolkin as a binary, Object-oriented Code (in base 20) by which information relative to Universal Consciousness and Being is both broadcast to and assimilated by the brain, DNA and individual consciousness. Furthermore, It is a Code by Which all aspects of the human being and the cosmos are inherently unified, brought into universal alignment and synchronized to effect the expression of Divine Being throughout the human being on all planes and in all dimensions.


Understanding the Nature of the Tzolkin, Consciousness and Elvea Systems: Advanced I

The Sound (and Sight) of the Tzolkin

What It Is

As stated above, the Tzolkin is a Code embodying psychoactive andpsychogenetic frequencies relative to Universal Consciousness. The constancy of Its 13 frequencies is like the constancy of the 12 frequencies in the Pythagorean Scale. Accordingly, those frequencies may be transposed into the sound register and used to acoustically express the Tzolkin's permutations. When such transposition is rendered, the Tzolkin becomes audibly translated.


The Celestial Harmonic Scale - How the Tzolkin was Translated Into Sound (and Light)

In 1987, shortly before the Harmonic Convergence, Michaele de Cygne identified the Tzolkin's frequency values, transposed them into the acoustic/sound register and began to produce recordings of the Tzolkin's sequences. Relative to the Pythagorean scale and music, the first step to determine when playing a musical piece is to determine the "key" in which the piece was written; the key is the primary tone around which everything revolves. Accordingly, in order to translate the Tzolkin into sound, It's key, relative to Earth needed to be set.  Michaele asked Wisdom to reveal the Tzolkin's key to her and She told her that key on Earth is the frequency of Earth's orbit. With the tutelage of Barbra Hero, Michaele was able to calculate that frequency. Having done that, she established a 13-tone equal tempered scale, calling it the "Celestial Harmonic Scale" (CHS). Thereafter, using a synthesizer, she began to sequence the Tzolkin's Patterns in MIDI, using synthesizers to generate Its sounds.

Originally, the synths used to translate the Tzolkin were incapable of expressing an equal tempered scale and could only generate a single octave of the frequencies. So, she monophonically recorded the "Loom of Maya,"  applying the single octave, using only the CHS's base tones for each segment recorded. Later, after speaking with (producer) Maurice White about the Tzolkin, he loaned her a keyboard that could generate the CHS across the entire keyboard range. With that, based on the Tzolkin's permutations, those 13 tones were separated and portioned out over a 4-octave span. Then, she polyphonically rerecorded the Loom of Maya and proceeded further to record the "Genetic Calibration Sequence" and the "Galactic Synchronization System" using a just tempered scale. [In an equal tempered scale, each of the tones in the scale are evenly spaced per octave. In a just tempered scale, the tones are not perfectly spaced, rather they are offset by a few "cents" (100ths of a tone), plus or minus, depending on the tone.] Years later, she was able to generate the CHS's exact frequencies in the equal tempered scale and recorded the remainder of the Tzolkin translations in equal temperament.

[Relative to the video translations, without the wherewithal to express the exact light hues correspondening to the sound frequencies, Michaele centered the Tzolkin's first kin in the portion of the spectrum that vibrationally corresponds to Its tonal key and divided the spectrum into 13 equal parts. Then, the range of hues in each of those parts were evenly blended to produce the colors embodied in our audiovisual Tzolkin translations.]


What It Does

When exposed to those recordings, the brain makes shifts in its reticular activation system and cortex in order to process the Information inherent to the Qualities of Universal Consciousness expressed by those sequences. Generally, the shifts stimulate the growth of new neuronal connections, remarkably increasing synapses. The resulting cognitive enhancement extends to elevation of IQ and general consciousness, as well as the upgrade of the body's regenerative capacity, immune response and, most importantly, the attuning of one's consciousness to Universal Consciousness.



Understanding the Nature of the Tzolkin, Consciousness and Elvea Systems: Advanced II

How It Works

On a practical level, the principles by which Tzolkin acoustic translations operate are similar to the principles of the binaural beat phenomenon, discovered by the German researcher H. W. Dove in 1839 and developed extensively by biophysicist Dr. Gerald Oster in the early 1970's. Relative to that phenomenon, when

  • a tone is played in one ear and
  • a complimentary tone is played in the other ear,
  • the brain recognizes the mathematical relationship between the two tones and makes shifts within its network to maximize its ability to receive and process the information relative to that relationship.

The primary difference between the Tzolkin translations and binaural beats is that the translations do not require headphones to be effective, unlike the binaural beats which are worthless without headphones. This is one of the reasons the Tzolkin translations are superior to all binaural beat software when it comes to effectively advancing personal consciousness. Another important difference is that binaural beats are designed for brain entrainment, while Tzolkin translations are designed for brain enhancement and consciousness entrainment.
At the root of those translations is the balance of the 13 tones. Each kin, or day, or pulse of the Tzolkin is a base frequency or tone. Each tone is paired with a complementary tone and each pair is constant. (The Tone Relationships table below illustrates these pairs.) Thus, when the base tone of the first kin, "1", is sounded in one stereo channel and it's complement, "13", is sounded in the other channel, the brain recognizes the logical relationship between the tones and shifts to generate the necessary nerve connections (synapses) to maximize its reception and processing of the information relative to that relationship. This is the fundamental process by which the Tzolkin acoustic translations work.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
13 12 11 10 9 8 7

Tone Relationships

However, to truly access It's profundities, (as mentioned above), the sonic activation of each kin requires 4 separate tones. Why? Because, in accord with Native American spirituality relative to the Medicine Wheel, the Tzolkin's movements must be regarded simultaneously from its perimeter and its center. Therefore, there are actually two concurrent streams of information for each of Its elements, the Primary stream, which is what's seen on the surface/perimeter and the Secondary stream, which (is not obvious and) originates from the center. Each perimeter flowing kin has a base and complementary tone, as does each center flowing kin; four tones in all per kin relative to the Primary Template.
When the number of tones increases, the amount of information relative to the tonal combinations profoundly increases too. The information expressed by the collective tonal combinations of the Tzolkin's Code sequences deeply imprints upon the brain, which responds to those sequences the way a modern computer responds to an initialization sequence; the brain's natural process of generating neuronal connections to optimize its functionality is kicked into high gear and the central nervous system begins an accelerated process of generating new synapses to enable it to receive and process the information relative to those sequences with maximum efficiency and efficacy. The healing effects of this process are remarkable.
As with the Tzolkin, in general, the translations appear to be complex, but are intricately simple. They are fundamentally based on the Tzolkin's inner 4-pole structure and, in accord with the principles of sympathetic vibration, even the simple patterns of the Sacred Signs are interwoven with and express a "fabric" of vital cosmic information capable of promoting profound and positive transformation, spiritually/mentally, astrally/psychically and physically. Effectively, all of our products are recordings of various threads of that fabric.

The Music of the Archetypes of Consciousness

The glyphs below are the Tzolkin's twenty (20) Sacred Signs; the core of all Elvea Systems' products.
Click on an Archetype's glyph to hear Its Harmonic sequence. Listening to it will initiate a Consciousness shift toward Its corresponding Qualities listed in the table below. These samples are 00:00:26.0 long. For effective meditation, use the 13:00 translations embodied in the Mayan Book of Wisdom.

Note to Judeo-Christian and Muslim users: These are not idols. They are simply names and images ascribed by the Maya to these Archetypes, (all of Which are fundamentally aspects and/or expressions of the Holy Spirit), for easy recognition.

Imix: Great Mother, (the primordial Creatress), Nurturance and Nourishment from the Divine. 300Kb .au sound file .


"Great Mother, (the primordial Creatress), Nurturance and Nourishment from the Divine."

Ik: Truth, Inspiration, [self as] Co-Creator of Reality, Integration of Polarities. 300Kb .au sound file.


"Truth, Inspiration, [self as] Co-Creator of Reality, Integration of Polarities."

Akbal: Sanctuary, Abyss, Journey into Self, Night, Dream Exploration. 300Kb .au sound file.


"Sanctuary, Abyss, Journey into Self, Night, Dream Exploration."

Kan: Opening, Seeding, Gestation, Self-Germination, Fertility, Erupting Possibility 300Kb .au sound file.


"Opening, Seeding, Gestation, Self-Germination, Fertility, Erupting Possibility."

Chicchan: Vitality, Passion, Kundalini, Motivation, Creativity. 300Kb .au sound file.


"Vitality, Passion, Kundalini, Motivation, Creativity."

Cimi: Transmutation, Release, Forgiveness, Revelation. 300Kb .au sound file.

"Transmutation, Release, Forgiveness, Revelation".

Manik: Awareness of Self as Priestess/Priest; Spiritual Tools, Beauty, Divination. 300Kb .au sound file.


"Awareness of Self as Priestess/Priest; Spiritual Tools, Beauty."

Lamat: Harmony, Clear Perspective, Beneficial Combinations, Relationships, Expanded Love. 300Kb .au sound file.


"Harmony, Clear Perspective, Beneficial Combinations, Relationships, Expanded Love."

Muluc: Awakened Attention, Self-Rememberance, Godseed, Cosmic Communication, Divine Guidance. 300Kb .au sound file.


"Awakened Attention, Self-Rememberance, Godseed, Cosmic Communication, Divine Guidance."

Oc: Spiritual Strength, Breakthrough, New Beginnings, Recasting the Past, Companions of Destiny. 300Kb .au sound file.


"Spiritual Strength, Breakthrough, New Beginnings, Recasting the Past, Companions of Destiny."

Chuen: Innocence, Spontaneity, Inner Child, Artistry, Humor.  300Kb .au sound file.


"Innocence, Spontaneity, Inner Child, Artistry, Humor."

Eb: Quickening, Abundance, Harvest, Open Vessel. 300Kb .au sound file.


"Quickening, Abundance, Harvest, Open Vessel."

Ben: Courage, New Directions, Angelic Messenger, Time/Space Traveler.  300Kb .au sound file.

"Courage, New Directions, Angelic Messenger, Time/Space Traveler."

Ix: Alignment with Divine Will, Heart-Knowing, Integrity, Magician.  300Kb .au sound file.


"Alignment with Divine Will, Heart-Knowing, Integrity, Magicion."

Men: Hope, Belief in Oneself, Dreams and Visions, Compassionate Service, Global Consciousness.  300Kb .au sound file.


"Hope, Belief in Oneself, Dreams and Visions, Compassionate Service, Global Consciousness."

Cib: Grace, Trust, Cosmic Consciousness, Mystic Transmission and Reception, Divine Communication.  300Kb .au sound file .


"Grace, Trust, Cosmic Consciousness, Mystic Transmission and Reception, Divine Communication."

Caban: Centeredness, Synergy, Synchronicity, Galactic Alignment, Crystal Healing.  300Kb .au sound file.


"Centeredness, Synergy, Synchronicity, Galactic Alignment, Crystal Healing."

Etznab: Facing Shadow, Integration of Paradox, Spiritual Warriorship, Sword of Truth, Timelessness.  300Kb .au sound file.

"Facing Shadow, Integration of Paradox, Spiritual Warriorship, Sword of Truth, Timelessness."

Cauac: Purification, Transformation, Light Body Activation for Ascension.  300Kb .au sound file.

"Purification, Transformation, Light Body Activation for Ascension."

Ahau: Union with the Divine, Christ consciousness, transfiguration of the earthly body into a[galactic] body of living light


"Union with the Divine, Christ consciousness, transfiguration of the earthly body into a [galactic] body of living light."

These samples are low quality, in basic .au format, designed for simple review. More dynamic
recordings of the Tzolkin's Music can be heard at

Understanding the Nature of the Tzolkin, Consciousness and Elvea Systems: Summary

Healing and Transformation With the Tzolkin

The Tzolkin is a superior technology designed to effect transformation of the human microcosm into its highest Divine expression. That transformation is the primary function of the Tzolkin's Code. (While the Code is dynamically transmitted via starlight, most people interact with It in a simple and static manner, using two dimensional symbols of Its Objects to tap Its vitality. Relative to means for people to effectively use the Tzolkin to progress their personal consciousness toward Universal Consciousness, the single most effective media on earth are the dynamic expressions of Its Code embodied Elvea Systems products; those products ARE the Tzolkin.)
Likewise, holistic health is an aspect of that Divine expression. Several of Elvea Systems products may be conveniently used as alternative medical therapies. In addition to the benefits gained in the pursuit and attainment of psychic equilibrium and an higher spiritual Mind, our products have been remarkably beneficial in relieving impairment for persons living with

  • the effects of stroke,
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Traumatic Brain Injury and
  • Ambulatory impairment consequent to accidents.

    Remarkable Benefit from our products may also be experienced by persons living with

  • Down's Syndrome
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • MS
  • MD and

    other adverse neurological conditions

    If the neuronal connections that engender optimum brain and body function have been impaired, the brain will strive to generate new connections to work around the impairment and effect optimum functionality. To do so most effectively, it requires a proper stimulus. The Tzolkin acoustic (and audiovisual) translations are such a stimulus; intensive, safe, nontoxic, noninvasive, portable, universally effective and much more.
    Through repeated use, the Tzokin acoustic translations affect a realignment and upgrading of both brain and body function. The implications for this technology to be remarkably successful in the treatment of a wide array of neurological conditions and disorders are profound. In addition to that, remarkable upgrading of IQ and enduring transformation of consciousness result from repeated use of
    Elvea Systems products.

    The Message is the Medium

    In summary, the universe is unified through vibration; all vibrations express fundamental frequencies and those frequencies bear and express unique qualities. Through sympathetic vibrations, lower frequency states may be aligned with the qualities of higher frequency states. Humanity is fundamentally capable of receiving, embodying and expressing the unadulterated vibrations of Divine Providence's Universal Consciousness, spiritually, metaphysically and physically. The Tzolkin's Code, the message, is also a medium by which the individual may use the principles of sympathetic vibration to access and assimilate the Qualities of the Archetypes of Universal Consciousness therein embodied. The most dynamic and effective expression of the Code's sequences is in sound and light, not static as in images and man made objects. In the course of experiencing either sound or light translations of the Tzolkin, the brain dynamically rewires itself to engender Universal Consciousness in the listener/viewer and to facilitate a wide range healing benefits as well. This is the Nature of all of Elvea Systems products; we invite you to experience them and the enhancements they may bring to you!



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